The Cran

The Cran is back. The Cran goes to hospitals to drink their unlimited supply of cranberry juice. Sometimes The Cran appears more than at other times. Well, last night The Cran came back.
We had to take Jess (The Cran as we call her) to the hospital because she was having a lot of contractions. She had pretty consistent contractions from 8-midnight at about 10 minutes apart. Kind of scary. We are at 20 weeks which means that if we go into labor we lose our child. Kind of scary. They were eventually able to stop the contractions for the most part and we left the hospital by 2am. Jess is still having sporadic contractions but is now on partial bed rest to prevent more pre-term labor. At 26 weeks there is a chance that our baby can survive, though 36 weeks is the safety point we’re waiting for.
Pray for Jess’ body. Pray for our family. And pray for our little unnamed baby girl (did you catch that?).
It’s kind of scary, but God is our refuge.

To end on a completely inappropriate note but to add some humor to this blog:

(this video has been removed by the admin. If you’d like to view it go to

12 thoughts on “The Cran

  1. I will be praying for you guys, You, Jess, Jones, and your little girl. I know you have many people in Portland who love and support you but if you ever need something you guys can give me a call. (except for the fact that i don’t think you guys have my number – maybe we should exchange them sometime!)

  2. i will be there tomorrow to take her off your hands. Or the boy. I’ll do what I can in the short time that I’m there.

    no. for reals.
    I’ll take the kid to the Toilet Store or something….

  3. PS: Is that your dad in the recliner with Will Ferrel? no? i'm wrong?crap. sorry.but I can tell you that I have not laughed so hard in my entire life.not even when Jess spit the lettuce on my neck.not even then.

  4. I'm not sure it's healthy, but thats how my life is. Oh, something terribly sad just happened…lets pray about it, maybe cry a bit…now lets make an inappropriate joke.I think I've got issues.

  5. yay! you are having a girl! and yes, i will be praying . . . life is so delicate . . . and we are so vulnerable.and, wow, that is a funny video.

  6. We will be praying for you all too. Hopefully it's just a rough scare, nothing more.That video cracked me up. Your issues are all good. We need the funny to pull through sometimes.

  7. We're praying for you; I held my breath until you said it looked like it would be okay.. . . the video should have clued me in, but I had the sound off while I was listening to the radio and hadn't scrolled down that far yet.

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