
I thought it might be a good idea to give everybody an update of the Woods family life.

First off, let me say that for Lent I’ve given up web surfing (aside from writing a blog now and again of course). I only say this because those of you who have a blog need not be sad. I’m still reading through me email reader, I’m just not commenting.

Jones is saying more words than ever. He eats poo poo candy every day (it’s Winnie the pooh vitamins that Jones calls poopoo candy) so that is kind of funny. There was a time last week when all three of us were throwing up and we were a pretty pathetic bunch. It’s sad, though, when your one and a half year old already knows how to throw up into a toilet or cooking bowl. Jones is an artist and loves to paint and to draw. Just last week he drew a picture of his teacher (from the Clark College toddler class that he attends) Andrea and said that she was nice. It’s funny though ’cause he doesn’t say nice like “she’s a nice person”, no, he says it like you would if your friend was like “hey check out my new Porshe” and you’d say “Niiiice”.

Our fetus no longer looks like an alien. Its body is the size of a large lemon and its head is starting to get more proportioned. Jess is still real sick though. She had to stay overnight at the hospital last week. She’s lost quite a bit of weight and was severely dehydrated. It took nine bags of fluid before they’d let her go. Poor girl. Things might be looking up though because she actually went to Target yesterday! Leaving the house is a big deal for her these days. But she’s being strong and is anticipating feeling better any day now (fingers crossed).

I finished reading Irresistible Revolution by Shaine Claiborne. If you don’t know it, learn about it. He’s a co founder of the Simple Way community. If you read this book, though, get ready to make some changes in how you live your life…or at the least get ready to feel guilty because you know you need to make changes but refuse…I hope you do the former and not the latter.

Nothing real special about this blog, I’m heading to bed right now so my thoughts are too coherent.

Last thought: Being a Christ Follower is an amazing gift. If we choose to we can find purpose and fulfillment in the most meaningless tasks, in the most painful of injuries, and in the dullest moments. What a beautiful thing!

5 thoughts on “Update

  1. "It's sad, though, when your one and a half year old already knows how to throw up into a toilet or cooking bowl. Jones is an artist . . ." Niiiice. I love how presentation can effect content.

  2. Good to hear an update on your family. Praying for you guys. Too bad you're not surfing the net, I've been posting more regularly.

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