My dream girl

Don’t tell my wife, but Jess isn’t my dream girl. No, my dream girl doesn’t sell Mary Kay for a living, she touches. Yep, my dream girl touches for a living. She used to turn em and burn em, but now she simply gives her gentle touch and receives millions for it (not to mention the fame and prestige that follows). Her life consists of evening gowns, walking across stages, and flirting with one particularly short old man. We’ll call him “Pat”.
Who is this dreamy woman? Why none other than Vanna White! Yeah! She’s got the greatest job ever. It used to be that she had to turn those big nasty letters, but now she just touches the little screens and boom, you’ve got a vowel. The show could go on without her. She’s completely expendable. She literally does nothing…and she’s famous and rich for it! I want that job. I can do it, I know that I can. You should see me walk, I’m really good at it. I don’t look so hot in an evening dress, but I can work on that. I’ve been sending letters to wheel of fortune for three years now trying to convince them that I’ll do VW’s job for half the wages, but they have yet to bite. I’m just biding my time until Vanna trips and hurts her ankle or something. Then they’ll need me. They’ll be begging for me…I hope.

Do you have any dream jobs out there?
Here’s your inspiration:

5 thoughts on “My dream girl

  1. its funny that you should wish to be vanna white, because just mere days ago i signed up to be on that show! thats right, i dream of being contestant! i have mad WOF skills and would win it all.but my actual dream job is the same as it has been for years…to work at pappa murphys. we dont have pappas in okc…until a few weeks ago! i was driving around minding my own business and i spotted a pappas accross the parking lot! i dont know if its a sign or what, but im highly considering sending in my application…

  2. Rick Steves has my dream job. He gets paid for nerding it up all over Europe. He even has a built in excuse to keep going back because he has to update his travel books. But if I had his job, I would have chosen a title other than "Europe Through the Backdoor."

  3. i have 2 dream jobs: if my job as a corprate efficiency specialist (where I tell people how to do their jobs better and more effectively), I would want to beat Gina up and steal the Rick Steves job. No, I take that back.I don't want to be him. I would rather be a professional traveler on Globe Trekker. and I wanna be a mommy, but that's more serious and a little sad, so I won't put that down.

  4. massage therapist (i GOT MY LICENSE!!!!) for rock bands. they could take me on the road with them and i could work out their stiff muscles after a hard night of playing guitar. or accordian.or something that would require that i travel and sleep in and take pictures of cool stuff for a living.

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