Lots of unrelated things.

I know this guy who checked my blog out. He doesn’t understand blogging, but he thought he would read mine anyway. After looking it over he was thoroughly convinced that his previous thoughts were right: that blogging is simply a glorified chat room. Huh, interesting.

One time I lit a friend on fire. It was a couple of years ago and I was way beyond the age where you should know better. We thought it would be funny for a video we were working on. In the end his lighter fluid soaked shirt began to stick to his skin a little too much, the wet towel on the ground had dripped all over the floor creating a slippery surface, and better judgment took hold. Too bad.

How do some people get so many comments on their posts, while others toil in vain?

Sometimes I sound very cynical or argumentative, but I’m not. I just find it funny (the cynicism) and thought provoking (the argument/discussions). In reality I prefer to always look on the bright side of life. I’ve got too much to live for to see life any other way.

I love my wife and my kid (in that order).

Is it weird that right now I’m working as a part time secretary, part time server, and part time church planter? I should like grow up and get a normal full time job or something. Who can claim to be a preaching, food serving, paper pusher? Cool.

I’ve got three really good jokes. But they aren’t appropriate for this blog. Sorry. Ask me about them later and I’ll get you the hook up. They’re worth your while (I just realized that that is kinda a funny expression).

I’ve never broken any part of my body. I’ve had a bloody nose twice. I sprained my ankle a few times. One time I burnt my finger. That’s about it.

Take a minute and do an inventory of all the people that you know and talk to. Now go through that list and make sure that you’ve seen other people have obvious conversations with them. If you haven’t or cannot think of a time, you might want to question their reality. I call it the Sixth Mind Syndrome (Sixth Sense and Beautiful Mind, if you didn’t put it together). You don’t ever want to be unaware of those people. They’ll make you look crazy.

I’ve got so many more thoughts floating around in my head…I really love being a Christian. Seriously, it’s the best way to live. One girl at work the other day was asking me stuff about the ‘afterlife’ and Karma. I told her what I thought about all that and for some reason she came away thinkin that I knew a lot (apparently she misunderstood my response) ’cause later she commented, “Ryan, you’re like a pastor right?” and I was like “Sure.” “See, you seem to know so much about everything spiritual and about life and religion. It’s like you’re one of those hard core fundamentalist Christians…but you seem so worldly.” and I said “thanks”.

11 thoughts on “Lots of unrelated things.

  1. I agree with the numerous comments thing. I know a lot of people… Where are they when I need them? Some people think it's okay to read your blog and not comment but that is entirely wrong! I need the satisfaction of witnessing their presence at my sight! I'll get back to the comenting thing but my daughter is freakin' out.

  2. Why do you want to grow up????? It really isn't all it is cracked up to be… you know, on further reflection, cracked is a good way to describe it.

  3. I love the term "sixth mind" I think that should be it's technical term…you know the thing that smart people and doctors would call it. Did I mention that I think you are the funniest person I've ever met?

  4. wow, ryan youre so versitile. a little o' this, a little o' that, thats the theme of your life. i like it, it keeps me entertained and happy.

  5. Ok, jess– you thinking that Ry is the funniest person you've ever meant really means nothing. It's like saying that Husband is the smartest guy I've ever met. Well, duh. I'd like to hear these inappropriate jokes of yours. Perhaps they are fit to publish on my blog… in which case I will steal them outright. Or not.

  6. Ryan, we should start a club for people who haven't broken any bones . . . well, I haven't broken any of my own bones, I have, however, had people break fingers, toes, and maybe ribs on me from time to time.

  7. Ty, I think it's time you published an account of your 75 foot fall off a cliff on your blog. That might make your "never broken any bones" claim a little more impressive.Ryan, I have a whole new respect for you now that I know you're willing to set your friends on fire.

  8. So what's this about you falling off a cliff? Now if you could do that while lighting a friend on fire….man! what a story! Or if you lit him on fire and then pushed him off a 75ft cliff. Then, Wow! Such a definition would go beyond any concepts of the 6th mind…and beyond your own acceptance of the label "worldly".

  9. BRIAN! You stay away from Ty– He's a nice kid and he doesn't need to be influenced by your antics… it's bad enough that Ryan is telling him stories about lighting people on fire… the last thing he needs is your encouragement….Be glad I've got your back, Ty… You think anyone want's a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys? Nota chance…

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