First off, you should read my wife’s blog. Her recent post is rich and compelling.
Second off, does anyone else think that the electric company is really really ridiculously nice? They’re my new best friend! Jessica and I have enough money to pay bills, but…oops…we mis-placed our electric bill and didn’t pay it for last month. Well, instead of sending us threatening letters, we received a very cordial note in the mail asking if we had misplaced our bill, or forgotten to pay it, or if it had gotten lost in the mail, or whatever. Then they said that if we were having trouble paying it we should call them and they would bend over backwards to accommodate us and to help us in any way possible. What nice chaps huh? So I called them to square everything away, and the lady on the phone was so incredible nice I wanted to hug her (in a non sexual way of course). We talked about my work, about how good the food is and how nice it must be to work there, and all that jazz. I felt like we connected on a deep level. These electric people sure are the second coming if you know what I mean. Three cheers for public utilities! Hip hip hooray. Hip hip hooray. Hip hip hooray!

12 thoughts on “

  1. I have also experienced the kindness of Clark Public Utilities. They really excell in customer service to the point that you don't really think that they work there… I miss them. Avista just doesn't compare (that is our electric).

  2. " does anyone else think that the electric company is really really ridiculously nice?"Well, I noticed lately that my electric bills are really really ridiculously high also :)

  3. Sometimes I hate when people in call centers are super nice. Its really annoying to me that someone would be so eager to help me when I know what they are really thinking is that I am some idiot shmuck who shouldn't be allowed such luxuries as electicity or a cell phone for example if i am not going to a)pay the bill and b) know how to operate it. I know this because I was once such a nice voice who told customers their questions were common and no worries, we will take good care them when I was cursing them in my head… "You Sorpion woman!". Ok, I wasn't always a nice voice, I really hated that job.

  4. well, i beg to differ. we have alitle company called OG&E and they are not so nice. we did the same thing a few months ago, lost the bill, and the very day that it was due we got a neon orange envelope with a neon orange letter in it saying if we didnt pay it immediatly, we would be cut off forever! and then have to pay a $40.00 fee to reconnect. what the frick?!

  5. The question is, have you had your water turned off once and your electricity turned off twice in the same week? Talk about misunderstandings!

  6. Memphis Light Gas & Water likes to make everyone their B. Luckily, I don't pay my outrageous utility bill- the apartment company does.

  7. I'd never really thought of a hug being "sexual" and, now that you have brought it to my attention . . . I'm not so sure I want to hug you anymore.

  8. Clark PUD is awesome! I should get that kind of service from the DMV!It works 'cause it is a "small" local company. Gotta luv it.

  9. The DMV up here in Moscow is great. It seriously is the best one I've ever been to. They are so friendly… it's almost scary… of course, in a town of 400… When in Rome.

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