A few important questions

I’ve got a few random questions. Some questions you may be able to answer and may even understand who or what I’m talking about. Other question may have no connection with you and will thus leave you bored and angry that you even read the new AWITP post today. So here it goes:

  1. Why doesn’t Kirk Cameron do tv/movie work anymore (don’t try to tell me that Left Behind counts)? ‘Cause it doesn’t.
  2. Where is Christi Glasco and why doesn’t she blog anymore?
  3. Why are yawns contageous?
  4. Whats up with evolution?
  5. Who is Leilouta and how did I start commenting on her blog?
  6. Why does everyone have sex in a relationship when they’re ‘serious’
  7. How do people afford getting drunk five nights a week?
  8. Why is F&#k the most versitle word in the english language and Cool the longest running “hip word” (by hip word I’m refering to words like righteous, rad, bad, etc. Words that are, by their nature, only cool for one generation or two)

More question are to come. I’ve got many. My friends say that I’m curious like a cat. I just think I’m curious. I don’t really like cats.

18 thoughts on “A few important questions

  1. 1. Kirk Cameron is a dreamboat.2. I think she's working at Yamhill… I can't imagine they have much internet access there.I don't know the other answers. I also dislike cats. They are always sticking their buttholes in your face.

  2. Concerning Camp Yamhill, oddly enough the whole Lodge has wireless internet access (or at least it did when I was up there at Christmas). So if she is indeed working at Yamhill then she has no excuse.My second question is, what happened to her working with Cascade Hills?

  3. not sure whats up with kirk I think mr cameron is waiting till he is 50+ to come back just like Capt. Kirk….Leilouta hmm no idea she comments on mine too I think I commented on hers first though. Can I ask a question? Who is arwen? Alchohol isn't that expensive when you buy it in bulk…Evolution micro is cool macro is silly…Yawns are contagious because they are so much phone. Sex for the same reason, plus people think is the cool thing to do…Cool I don't know I was always partial to ill'n, Oops the F-Bomb has come to mean anything, so now it means nothing…

  4. It's not that he's smoking anything, he's just watching too much tv.Oh, and Arwen is this little mexican girl that we met at this little pizza restaurant who in turn moved into my wifes bedroom when my wife lived in this little town north of the 'Couve. Thier friendship took off and the rest is history. She's now married to some lawer, living in Idaho, blogging, and anticipating the day that she and her husband can once more move into my wifes bedroom, which just so happens to be my bedroom as well now.

  5. Kirk Cameron and his wife (the one he married on the show) run a youth ministry camp or something. I brought Leila to the group… she's the infamous blog that I read you over the phone. She's my peripheral clique… WE WILL NOT LIVE IN YOUR BEDROOM!

  6. The "Next Blog" button at the top of blogs. I wander around sometimes looking for something good. I don't suggest you do it… everyone else is seeming to be real boring (sorry everyone else)

  7. –oh yeah, and I have to explain the drinking thing because it is so simple. When you live in a small college town/ hell, like I do, the bars have "special nights". The Garden (aparently the Law School Hang-out) has Blue Mondays where you can get $2 martinis. There are also Happy Hours, Ladies' Nights, and if you're a girl, you can look good and guys buy you drinks. It's really not that expensive to drink every night around here. In the real world, though, yeah. Booze is spendy.Ry, if you want to know what Leilouta looks like, ignore the mouse/cat and look for the socks with heels pictures. I think they explain it all (not really L… I just think they are helarious!)

  8. YES, beans are the quite necessary for a bean burrito, but i'm not referring to the small, flimsy beans on a tortilla, i'm talking the big 7-layer gargantuan burrito that consists of 1 layer avocado!don't patronize me, ryan. your baby is cute, by the way!

  9. Hey everybody! Look! It's Lisa! She doesn't remember me, but her husband told me I look like Jesus one time at Applebee's! Sorry. That was lame and borderline stalker.

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