The Best

Clint was born and raised in Burbank, California to Rance and Jeane. Later he graduated from R. L. Stevenson Elementary near the top of his class. Some of the greatest movies of our generation have starred this little known man. His movie credits include: Curious George, Cinderella Man, Little Nicky, My Dog Skip, Austin Powers, The Cat in the Hat, Waterboy, That Thing You Do, Apollo 13, The Rocketeer, Backdraft, Far and Away, and Tango and Cash. There is no reason to go into great detail concerning his television credits. But they include such hit shows as Happy Days, Start Trek, Seinfeld, and Arrested Development.
What more can be said about such an amazing well traveled actor?
Could it be argued that with his resume he sits amongst Tom Hanks, Mel Gibson, Will Smith, and Tom Arnold as one of the greatest male actors of our time or even of the history of time?
I’ll let you decide that for yourself. But for now, let his anonymity go on no further. Let the curtain rise to the single greatest leprechaun to ever grace the Silver Screen…
Clint Howard
brother of
Ron Howard
Let the conversation end. What more is to be said? Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Just Clint. Only Clint. Always Clint. Viva Clint.

5 thoughts on “The Best

  1. you know what's funny– i was going to post a montage of clint howard on my blog thismorning in response to TJ's montage of Kevin Costner. But I couldn't find one… it's like we're connected, you and I. Probably through your wife… it's no secret…

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