The Difference Between Good and Best

I won’t attempt to give a template for figuring out this blog titles dilemma, but I do have some reflections concerning that idea. I get so tired of how people have politicized some of the discussi0n between good and best. It’s not just relegated to politics though…well…let me just attempt to explain.

Conservatives say that global warming is a myth. Many conservatives (and I thought it pretty funny…but for reasons different than them) planned to “stick it to the liberals” by leaving all their lights on and racking up the electricity bills on earth days while many more liberal folks were shutting off their lights by 8:30 or so. I find this incredibly odd. I wish I was more up to date on some of the politics concerning endangered species, oil drilling, protecting old growth forests, etc. because my guess is that I’d have more to say concerning some of that, but as it is I’d come off most ignorant of the facts. Anyway, concerning conserving electricity, why has this become a political issue? Conservatives (and undoubtedly Christians) should be all for conserving energy, it’s just smart. It’s best. It’s not mandatory, it’s not obligatory, it’s best. It’s best not to waste. Duh. I know it’s blasphemy in our American culture, but it’s best not to be wasteful. Being wasteful is foolish. Do you have the freedom to be wasteful? Of course! But you’re choosing to settle for less than best. And it shouldn’t even matter if global warming is a hoax or not should it? Screw global warming! If there were no such thing as global warming, if Al had never made his smug video, shouldn’t we still be concerned with how we treat our environment? Isn’t our environment a gift from God? When I give my children a toy and I notice that they are not taking care of it, that they are destroying it, in my mind I have two options. Take away the toy before they ruin it or be very cautious about what toy I give them next (knowing that it will probably get destroyed). So lets depoliticize all of this and just start taking care of what God has given us. Let’s not disrespect the creator by destroying his creation. Anyway, I think or hope that this point was made without laboring too much. I don’t want to bore you because I really think that this next idea is where its at…

Many people worry when pastors or churches talk about green living, sustainability, simplicity, etc. And for good reason. They worry that pastors and churches are teaching something that is not gospel (that is, not the life saving, hope giving message that you’re loved by Jesus), that they are adding something into the simple message of Jesus that does not belong. This is a very valid point to make because I think that often Christians do get caught up in some of this stuff and forget that Jesus didn’t die so that we could recycle. But here is my strong belief, I think that there is and should be a place for churches, Christians, and ministers to talk about sustainable living, simplicity, and frugality within the context of following Jesus. As Christians we have the gift challenging each other and the world around us to always pursue what is best. To pursue that which embodies beauty. To pursue that which embraces truth, wholeness, and perfection. Jesus talked about some of this and tended to use the word Kingdom. The kingdom of God t is Christs transforming presence among us in real and tangible ways. His presence frees us to always choose what is best for our lives even when it isn’t easy or fun. But the most important distinction that must be made is that we are freed to make these choices not required. The danger comes when Christians, churches, or pastors teach that you must take care of the environment to be a Christ follower, or you must live sustainably, or you must cloth diaper, or you must…fill in the blank to really be the type of person that Jesus likes. This is called heresy. What if we viewed it like this: God has given us the gift of being able to make new choices, of being able to make better choices. And the blessing associate with that gift is not a better place in heaven, a better standing in his church, or more jewels on your ruby encrusted crown in heaven. The blessing is more similar to the “blessing” Jesus speaks of in Matthew 5 where he says

Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,
for they shall possess the earth.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice,
for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called sons of God.

Blessed are they who suffer persecution for justice sake,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

The word “blessed” that Jesus uses isn’t someting that is bestowed on his audience, rather it is a state of blessedness. Catch the difference? The reward is found in the blessed state itself. It’s blessed to mourn because when you mourn you’re able to really experience comfort. It’s blessed to be a person who desires justice or rightness because if you’re someone who pursues it, you will find it.

Ok, wait, I’m cutting myself off right now ’cause I’ve already typed on way too long and I could go so much longer.


2 thoughts on “The Difference Between Good and Best

  1. I was actually surprised– and disappointed– when I met one of the conservative Lie Of Global Warming people. She is actually under the impression that the earth is only 7000 years old.
    I tried to keep an open mind, but…. I actually lost a little bit of honest respect for her and that is something I thought I would never do.
    But I did.

    And its The Difference Between Shooting Stars And Satellites, not Good and Best, but thanks for the nod.

  2. Have you ever been called by the school management where your child learn and told that she is sick. It happened to me once and when I got there the scenario was not good. She was in the dormitory alone instead of being at the sickbay.

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