Random Thoughts and Obersvations

  • If Jack Johnson asked me if I liked his song “flake” I’d tell him maybe. (you’ve got to think about this one)
  • I don’t do practical jokes. They’re usually only funny for the person doing the joke, which I think by definition would say you’re just mean. But I’ve always wanted to buy 25 smelly car trees, pull off the plastic wrappers, and then tape them to hidden places all over someones car.
  • In my inmost being consistency is my underlying core value.
  • There are two things that drive me crazy about people. 1.) inconsistency or being flaky. 2.) Ignorant people who are also arrogant. It’s a killer combo.
  • I like pretty much everyone and like to consider myself pretty likable…though, that doesn’t mean much coming from me…I mean, if I like pretty much everybody why wouldn’t I look at myself and think “who wouldn’t like this guy?!”
  • For years I’ve dreamed of peeing my pants in public on purpose. A few years back I saw Will Ferrell do it on SNL and it made me sad because that was my joke. There was one point when a friend of mine and I ran home from school so we could both pee our pants on our front porch. I don’t remember what happened, but I know it didn’t include urine.
  • Everyday I’m learning more and more that blogs and email are terrible and potentially destructive ways to communicate.
  • Often my family is very busy and quite lonely.
  • We don’t have a tv, but lately we’ve gotten hooked on watching such shows online as Flight of the Conchords, Arrested Development, The Colbert Report, and as always Southpark.
  • If you’re familiar with N.T. Wright and Tony Campolo you’ve got to go to the Colbert Reports website and watch his interviews with them.
  • If I could be any television character it would be Gob from Arrested Development
  • My family eats vegetarian (and has for over a month now) I ride my bike more now than I have in 10 years and rarely drive…and yet I keep gaining weight! It’s not like I care that much, it’s just baffling that’s all. And trust me, it’s not added weight from added muscle. My mysterious muscle mass is still waiting to be found.
  • I grew my mustache out a while back. I looked good.

9 thoughts on “Random Thoughts and Obersvations

  1. rebecca marie: my thoughts precisely. oh Raj…. My heart loves that you even remembered his last name.Gina- The beauty and potential that is Ry's mustache is gone. His dumb wife made him shave it.yeah. I called her that. You would too if…..oh crap.sorry Jess.you're not dumb.(but it was a lovely stache)but perhaps the key to effortless weight loss was hidden within those soft baby facial hairs… but we'll never know.

  2. I am pretty sure that you are infact, already Gob from Arrested Developement. All you need is a magic show. I love that you guys don't have a TV. It is my dream, so Eric and I were tlaking about it…but Eric likes to have a few minutes of down time when he gets home from a long day at work, so we decided he could watch a show to unwind. And then we need to watch, "So You Think You Can Dance", and then we decided that we felt to constricted by these rules so we ended up saying that we could watch TV when we want and then we turn it off when it is boring….I think we made some pretty good headway. A big step I think.

  3. Ryan – I've been spying on you for probably two years. I don't know how long it's been. I just had to tell you that I LURVE The Colbert Report. He might be the funniest person in the world. I saw the interview with NT Wright but I hadn't seen Tony Campolo's interviews (there are a couple of them out there). I've enjoyed watching/reading your evolution as a family – especially in the last year or so. I'm not in the exact same place as you but I feel like I'm heading in the same direction. Thanks for sharing your journey.

  4. i've been reading this book about nutrition and some things that vegetarians typically eat are actually sort of bad for them . . . at least that's what this book says. i am working on getting more info before i make any informed choices on changing my diet again.the book is "nourishing traditions" by dr sally fallon. the thing i do really dig about this book is its stress on eating fermented foods, drinking kombucha, sticking with non-pasteurized dairy products and soaking or sprouting your grains before cooking with them. these all make a lot of sense to me and i am going to try to adhere more to them.

  5. Don't even get me started on that book! Everywhere we turn we hear it recommended by yet another person. We'll get it at some point (probably when we find a good cheap used copy)Let me know what you find.

  6. I have to agree that flakey people and arrogant people irritate the heck out of me too.Makes me wonder why I am in ministry!

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