6 thoughts on “18 and older only please

  1. Hmm.Interesting.I understand the reasoning behind it and all, but… if my husband had cheated on me enough that I felt I needed to encase his penis in lucite in order for him to remain faithful… would it really be worth it? I mean, I'm all for trying and working it out, but… that particular method seems to get into some power issues with the non-cheating significant other. It seems that it would breed (heh) a dependence on the sleeve for trust in the cheating partner and that's just not… well. its just not trust, now is it.I don't like it.I don't like it one bit.I hear a trip to Maury to take a lie detector test is free.

  2. I couldn't agree with you more Arwen…though, maybe the judicial system should look into using these for all those dirty pervs out there?

  3. that would pretty much just be putting a dress on an elephant that's having a drunken party in your china cabinet.that really ended up meaning nothing near what I meant it to. What I meant is that it would really just keep that particular part in check. i would think that to some extent, with some situations, it would stop being about the sexual aspect of the abuse and it wouldn't really keep it from happening and just force the deviant to gain alternate forms of satisfaction (ie: emotional, psychological, etc.)but there's always an exception to every rule

  4. i think it's disgusting. i think it's not very thinly veiled spousal abuse. erections are a natural function of a penis. sick sick sick.that would be like packing my vagina with silica before sending me out for a business trip. it would stop the natural human function of a lubricated vagina. people suck. i mean it. they suck.besides the fact that it has been biologically proven that a flaccid penis can still orgasm (google it, if you dare). sick. i'm sorry, but i'm just disgusted by the thought of caging my husband in any manner.

  5. I shant lie- I am scared to watch the video. Will my XXXchurch even allow it? I don't even know. I am scared that I will see a penis in the video. I am scared…

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