The dream

My wife had a dream last night that I would like to relate to you. The following events actually took place…in my wifes mind…while she was asleep…last night…
We just found out that Jen and Ben were coming into town! Jess and I went to my parents house to wait for their arrival, but while we waited my mom brought out Jen’s new baby pictures. Jess was like “Jen had a baby? I didn’t even know she was pregnant.” My mom’s response was “oh, did we forget to tell you that she was pregnant? I told Ryan.” Then I responded “Sorry Jess, I forgot to tell you.”
Mom: “But I did drop the ball when I forgot to tell you that she had the baby last week. Sorry ’bout that.”
Jen and Ben arrive. The baby had blond hair with pitch black predominant eye brows. He was slightly odd looking. Jen said that he looked like Bens side of the family. After congratulatory remarks Jessica asks, “So whats your baby’s name?”
Jen: “Nurbit (pronounced Nore-bit) Jones Soda LA Bumper Sticker Ries. We wanted to name him Jones, but we knew that was already used. Ben came up with the first name and Lisa and I came up with the middle while we were jogging in San Diego. We wanted a name with meaning…we’re not quite sure what Nurbit means yet except: To Nurbit Something. We’re still working on that part.”

Thats it. Thats the whole dream. Nobody but Jess thought any of it was strange at the time. Any interpretations out there?

10 thoughts on “The dream

  1. norbit…kind of like zurbit…which you do to peoples bellies…which some people call raspberries…which are red, the color of your kitchen…also the color of the blood jesus shed on the cross. my conclusion is that jess had a spiritual dream about our lord.

  2. Oooh, Tara. Very good.But I think that it means that you should DEFINITELY include the name "LA Bumper Sticker" somewhere in Cinnamon's name. If you do, you can be sure that no one else in her class will have that name. She won't ever have to be "LA Bumper Sticker W."…she will always just be "LA Bumper Sticker".

  3. Why can't your dream just be about how much you miss us and how little we communicate and how much you actually think about us? And maybe we named it after Jones because I think he's the cutes thing ever (aside from my own children, that is). Let's just stick with the facts here! Maybe it's your passive way of telling our whole family that we're bad communicators! Thanks a lot! Next time why don't you just call me and say it to my ear?

  4. perhaps this is inappropriate, but LAB'S is clearly slang for…. you know….Tara, you TOTALLY win the dream game. If I had your address, I'd send you a prizey wizey….

  5. I know this sounds crazy and you'll think I made this up, but I did the obvious thing: Googled "Nurbit," with startling results! It's a study program in Finland on pipe weld ruptures! Could an interpretation be any more clear? Ru[tures? Welding? Pipes? Finland?! It's miraculous, my friends.

  6. it's also the new eddie murphy movie that got two thumbs "way way down" from Ebert and Roeper….I think Jess is going to get the little african baby she's always wanted….

  7. You know, pipe fitters and welders ususally have union jobs and make a ton of money. Maybe you guys will give birth to the world's first super-rich, 6-foot tall, blue-eyed female welder. That would cause a media buzz, I tell you what!

  8. that's all good and fine, but….. I don't think babies should be any bigger than Jones. Poor Jess…. Let's hope there's not a 6' tall blonde in her womb….. for THAT, I shall pray.

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