Office 2007-Creepy-Peeing in Bottles

This just rocked my world. On Microsofts website you can download the beta version of Office 2007 for free…well, almost for free. I had to pay 1.50 for all of office pro. I now get to use it through February of next year. Pretty good I think. And let me tell you, office 2007 rocks my world right off its rocker. No I’m serious, they’ve changed things up quite a bit and it looks good.

I don’t want to nerd it up too much. So I’d like to leave you with this:

I have this friend who we’ll call Jeff. I used to call him creepy. It wasn’t because it was creepy, but because it sounded funny when I’d say “hey creepy” kind of like Jim Carrey might say in Liar Liar. Well, Creepy lived across the street from the church where I attended and where my dad was the minister. So I was near his home often, but not all the time. When I was near I would sneak into his house and change his answering machine. It was beautiful. One day he’d be sitting there when the phone would ring and he’d be too lazy to answer. All of a sudden there would be my screechy voice saying “hey it’s me creepy and I’m not here. I might be gay or I might be going poo poo or pee pee but if you leave a message I’ll call you back” or something of that nature. It’s so funny to me still that it breaks my heart…and no, I wasn’t four years old. I was actually in high school, thank you very much.

On another semi funny note (I’m only trying to please myself here): when I was post highschool age and living in Lubbock, Texas I went through this stage where I would pee into bottles. I know, I know, I sound like that guy from as good as it gets or something like that. But it was all in good fun. We would pee into bottles and then put them in peoples freezers or under their pillows or something. Obviously we would always wash off the outside so that we wouldn’t get people sick. We pee into bottles but we aren’t animals. It got to the point though where we were keeping a three liter bottle (yes, Texans are so full of gluttony that two litters just isn’t enough) under our bathroom sink to pee in. At one point we realized that we weren’t even doing anything funny with it anymore. We were just peeing into a bottle and then throwing it away when it got too close to filling. I will refrain from speaking into any detail about what happens to urine when it has sat in a bottle for too long, but lets just say that it separates into two very distinct and disgusting mixtures, one of which is about as thick as curdled milk from what I could tell…both of which look to be very unhealthy. The only moral of the story I can extrapolate from my experience is that peeing in bottles is only funny for the pee-er and not for the peepee-receive.

If I have now alienated all fifteen of my readers…it’s worth it. Good bye my friends and loved ones.

6 thoughts on “Office 2007-Creepy-Peeing in Bottles

  1. i've been stressed all weekend about having to write 3 papers and a poem.I am, as I type, skipping 2 classes so that I can finish the paper that is due in an hour. I needed to take a break to clear my mind and so I started my blog rounds. Thanks, Ryan. Thanks for making it all worth while. I really like Peepee receivee… awesome.

  2. peepee-recievee. lol. funniest thing ive ever heard.but on a serious note…i never want to hear about the pee separation process again. that is the sickest thing ive ever heard and i never want to picture it in my mind again. i can taste a little throw up in my mouth…

  3. I have to admit, I am curious about the PeePee Separation. Who knew something like that would occur?? Tell me more.PS. In college, one of our roommates would sing very wildly in the shower, and we used to record that singing onto our outgoing answering machine message. It would usually take her days to realize it.

  4. That was Pee-licious.However, I do find it ironic that you once wrote in reference to chian e-mails:"Is there some fat guy with his hand tucked beneath his belt who makes up these stupid emails and then sends them to the world? 'Cause if so…umm….why? Seriously. Thats kind of stupid."And then told us all about pee-surprize bottles. You know:Roommate 1: Have we got any juice?Roommate 2: Check in the freezer.Roommate 1: When did we freeze apple-juice?Roommate 2: Don't know. But that sounds tasty, stick it in the microwave and thaw it out.I guess there is a fine line between stupidity and genius.

  5. alright, alright. for future reference, my email address is littlemissblogspot@yahoo.comYou must have read the comment I deleted. Right? I thought about it for two seconds and realized you were completely kidding. You should read Erika's comment (following yours on my blog) It's true. If I were upset, I'd have no problem telling you. I do read your blog, I have read several posts because I enjoy reading your wife's blog. I like her sense of humor. The only reason I commented on yours was because KK mentioned Mormons, and I'm not one to let things like that go unnoticed. I used to be that person. I grew up in Oklahoma, I was persecuted for my beliefs, and I lost a lot of friends. Never again will I NOT stand up for my beliefs. There is no spirit of contention, merely a spirt of understanding. It's hard to convey the emotions behind words when you can't actually hear my voice. (Which is why I don't usually comment on things like religion or other discussions that might become inflammatory in some way.) Honestly, I think it's great we all find a common ground with Christianity. I love that you can write a thought-provoking post about the nature of Christ, and then follow it up with Peeing in bottles! When I said you're funny and to enjoy your blog, that's exactly what I meant. Honest.

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