Ranting and raving…but mostly ranting

We left for the ER at 12:45 AM. We left the ER at 6:05 AM after having our boy’s temperature taken four times, a piss bag put on his wiener an hour after we were admitted (and about ten minutes after he had gone peepee), his arm poked and prodded and tortured, and a whole lot o nuthin’. Eventually we asked to speak to our doc so that we could try to go home. His reply was “Well, we haven’t really done anything yet.” and we said “EXACTLY!”. He had an appointment at 10 am (in aprox 4 hours) with hid pediatrician and we trusted their competence much more than the ignorant ER staff.

Here are some of my thoughts concerning the ER staff of last night/this morning:

  1. It took over two and a half hours just to get admitted. I am forgiving though, they can’t control when there are emergencies and how long it takes to help their patients. Though it was shocking that in those two plus hours only two other people were admitted before us!
  2. Whats up with all the pride associated with drawing blood/giving an IV? Every nurse or phlebotomist has this chip on their shoulder about how they can and will get some blood out of that boy. We try and try to communicate that his arms are very uncooperative, but that only feeds the fire of their egos. They then have an internal need to succeed…and so they stab and poke and prod my sons spirit away. Poor kid. Finally my wife and I had to tell them to stop and to leave him alone…but they didn’t…so we told them to stop…we said that we were done trying to get blood…so they stopped. They didn’t want to, but they did. You see, if they could just try one more time, or if he would just hold more still, or if he was just more hydrated, or if, if, if, if…it’s ok, y’all failed at drawing blood. Leave the boy alone!
  3. Here are some quotes from the staff: “Oh, mommy, here’s how your supposed to give your baby medicine” (thats when she proceeds to grab my boy from my wifes arms…the same wife whose been giving him tylenol since he was two weeks old) “How many days has he had a fever? Three huh?…ok, so he’s had a fever for two days? Oh, it’s been three? Ok…Now how many days has it been since he’s been running a fever? Three? Really, thats a long time to have a high fever. I better find a pediatrician” (duh) “Ok, I’m going to draw some blood from your son. Whats that? He’s hard to hold down when drawing blood? Oh, I can handle the kids. It’s you parents that get in the way” (thanks). “Is he nursing right now? Yes? Well why don’t we go ahead and give him his chest x-ray. We’ll be real quick and it won’t bother him a bit. x-rays are quick and easy” (liar. We’ve done this twice before. What they do, is they strap the child to a board with his arms tied above his head. They then stand him up inside a plastic tube and swivel him around like he’s on display at some sadistic trade show. All the while he screams and chokes and throws up on himself.)
  4. The doctor took a peak at 4am. We didn’t see him again until we demanded to speak with him at 6am…we just sat there waiting…

I’m tired. My son has a great pediatrician. He only has the flu. The ER sucks, but thats life I guess. Some days are like that…even in Australia

20 thoughts on “Ranting and raving…but mostly ranting

  1. I was in the ER once. I actually lost my virginity in triage.Ryan, you've got to take some advice from me. I don't know you, but I feel like we have a kinship, you and I. Here's my advice: Don't stress about the small stuff, like your boy being sick. Whats the worst that could happen?

  2. Raj… its not cool, nor has it ever been… you know the whole virginity thing… get over yourself.Ry- I'm sorry your baby is sick. I hope you and jess get some rest. I can't imagine having my child's arm ravenged by crazy nurses and needles. And what's up with tying the kid to a board with his arms above his head… its barbaric!Maybe he just needs a good dose of Anchorman. That always cheers me up!

  3. Strangely, my grandpa (the one who looks just like Jones, but with more wrinkles and greasier hair) also was in the hospital once, and had problems with nurses prodding around in his arm with needles. Luckily for him, he is a frightening old codger and felt quite free to yell at them. Get Jones to do that next time.

  4. and . . . that story sucks. get some sleep. comfort the little dude and continue to advocate for him. you rock as parents (both of you).how many want to guess that raj is actually still a virgin?

  5. Why Tabitha? Are you asking for a tour of the Raj Mahal?But seriously. I've done it. I've done it like two million times…today…

  6. Ry, I was always in the hospital as a little kid. I was born 10 weeks early, so they had to keep me there for a while, and then I had feveral convulsions twice before I was two or three, during one of which, my dad had to physically threaten the doctor to get him to help. I also went to the emergency room at least three times a year until I got into High School . . . not to mention the whole post-cliff stay, I know how rotten it can be and I feel for you.Funny note: because of all the time I spent there, I feel more comfortable in hospitals than most people. I actually used to go do my homework in waiting rooms . . . of course, I'm weird, I'm sure Jones will develop the usual distaste for hospitals:)

  7. Actually Ty the crazy thing is that Jones actually loves Doctors. He has been to the hospital probably (counting urgent care and emergency)10 times (Including one surgery). He also has spent multiple weeks going two or three times to the doctor. The boy still loves all docs and there tables covered with paper that he rips to shreads.

  8. Your Prideful Plebotomist observations were dead on! I've spent too much time with needles in the last few years (two surgeries and one intestinal disease), and I'm one of those people with elusive veins. All but two nurses/plebotomists were just SURE they wouldn't have any problems. Wanna guess which ones didn't have problems? The two who weren't over-confident. The proud ones leave me looking like a pin cushion.When I had pnuemonia when I was a teenager, I had an intern dig around in my arm for 2 FULL MINUTES before giving up. (Mom never would have let them try that long, but she was stuck at the desk filling out paperwork.) Two minutes isn't that long in the whole scheme of things, but it is when someone is jiggling a needle around in your arm after you've been too sick to walk for a week. I said all that to say this: I feel so badly for your little guy. And for you guys. That must have been miserable and horrifying. I'm indignant for you, and I feel like driving out to The Couve, marching into that ER, and giving everyone involved a stern talking-to. I wish I could cuddle Jones and give both of you great big reassuring hugs. You did a great job of standing up for your little guy. He's blessed to have you.

  9. IT SUCKS watching people try to trat your baby. We have done it a time or two.You were right on with telling them to stop on the blood draw.Way to not be intimidated by comments about "Parents" you both know him better than anyone else!Hope he feels better soon.Caleb will say a prayer at bedtime tonight!

  10. Man, that sucks. Sorry, brother. Why do people who have gone to school a lot think that everyone else is automatically stupid?Raj, this is with the love of the Lord but please pick a different pastime to share about. I know I would like to be cordial and welcome you as I should but the continual comments make it more and more awkward. Peace.

  11. He's real cranky and not sleeping well. But he doesn't have a fever anymore and is on his way up. The poor guy is just exhasted though, so I think thats a big part of his crankiness. Anyway, thanks everyone for your concern and mutual disdain for the ER.

  12. i'm so thankful you son only has the flu. i don't mean only, i know how seriousl the flu is for little ones… i just mean i'm so glad they found out what it was and that he's being treated…. oh man, you know what i mean.my little fella went through the tubie up the weenie x-ray monster only once. i can't imagine living it over and over. bless your hearts.raj – had i seen this i never would have threatened to make shirts. mess with the biggun's but leave the kiddos alone. they are sacred ground.

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