Baby Einstein

Those of you who have kids, who’ve baby sat kids, or who have spent time with nieces, nephews, younger siblings, blah, blah, blah, you should all be familiar with Baby Einstein. Renown for their innovative ways to use the medium of Television to teach children, they have become a rather successful company (now having been bought out by Disney). People pay big bucks for their videos, their blocks and other play things, blah, blah, blah. People pay big bucks ’cause Baby Einstein toys are better for their kids than the average toy…right? Wrong! Recently, because of a very very sick child (my poor childs tube ventilated ear drums burst) I’ve been watching a lot of Baby Einstein videos (anything to take his mind of his pain). And I’ve noticed that my sick son could make higher quality movies than those! Seriously, I’ve repeatedly seen puppeteer heads, arms, even glasses and eyes! Sesame Street on poor OPB is even better than that. It’s not like it’s live, they must do mulitple takes, which leads me to wonder how bad the other takes were. Not only have we seen puppeteers, but we’ve also seen the edge of the backdrop. You know, like they’ve panned over to the right too far and I’ve seen where the sheet is being held up! And all their “baby challenging” material consists of toys going round and round to symphony music or a crappy cow puppet barking like a dog (talk about confusing little children).
Someone give me a camera! Someone make a sock puppet for me! If we all work together (hell, even if we don’t work as a team) we can out sell, out produce, out film those Baby Einstein jokers! Now if we could only come up with a cool name for our company. So far I’ve only thought of “Infant Eisenhower”.

PS I don’t know whats going on with my blog setup. I didn’t change anything but it’s gotten all wickywacky on me.

8 thoughts on “Baby Einstein

  1. My guess is that your sidebar got moved down because Jones wrote such a long word on your last post. Go back and edit that sucker with a hyphen, or shorten it and I'll bet your sidebar will come back.

  2. i hate baby einstein. well i've only seen one. but Hannah looked at it for all of 10 seconds and never came back. She loves the teletubbies. Now there's some high quality, challenging television for you.

  3. I have no doubt that you could single-handedly create and produce better baby shows than Baby Einstein. Probably asleep, with one hand tied behind your back. But the pragmatist in me remembers that you don't have the Disney juggernaut behind you, so I'm pretty sure out-selling is not going to happen…unless Baby Jesus comes back and provides you with an entertainment business-related miracle.

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