More thoughts on the Christ

I had a great conversation with a friend the other day. Here was his thought concerning Christianity in my own words.

“Would not Jesus be more honored by Christians if they spent more time doing what he did rather than sitting on pews (or uncomfortable green chairs) talking about how great he is. Maybe they should stop going to church and start being like Jesus.”

React. What are your thoughts?

17 thoughts on “More thoughts on the Christ

  1. its like a knife to the heart. it is so true and yet so simple. i think we make christianity harder than it really is. more intricate, more structured than jesus meant it to be. if we could just let it all go and just go out there and be jesus, we would draw SO many more people to Him. …interesting thought ry….

  2. I agree, but even Christ took time to be with His Father and worship and pray. So, I think that it is true that we should not worry about structure and activities so much as just to be like Christ, but we are following examples from the first church, who was started by those who had been with Christ. We need to be like Christ at ALL times; living our lives in worship through our daily stuff, and also in uninterrupted worship with the body of Christ. I think our time sitting on the pewes and uncomfortable chairs is just as important as what we do when we arent sitting on them. We spend a lot more time off the pews than on them, and we should imitate Christ on and off the pews. The problem comes when people only act like Christ while at church on Sunday, and then forget about Him throughout the week. Christianity isn't just about going to a church worship function, its easy to be Christlike then. Its being Christlike in the real world that makes the difference.

  3. Roni, are they not one in the same?Regarding the real issue, the guys point pretty much was, whats the point of Sunday morning worship times?I had all sorts of answers and responses for him (though my goal was to listen more than to speak), but most of those answers were all cliche. The real question that I was left asking myself was, what do our Sunday mornings have to offer those who haven't bought in? My old answer was something regarding an encounter with God. But maybe a better way would be to characterize Sundays as a time to give context to an encouter with God.

  4. yes my friend. More than that, we should do what he told us to do. He said "go and make disciples of all the nations, baptize them and teach them to obey all the Lord commands." I don't do that, do you?

  5. aww… I like your new picture. Especially that you, not just your semen (OUCH! IT HURTS!) is pictured. I like it when I comment about semen on a Jesus post.

  6. our church hass actualy been praying about this very issue for a long time now. at some point in the near future, we will actualy stop sunday moring services. weve got house churches that meet together every week and that is really our "church", thats what we invite friends to, it is where we have good felowship time, it is where we worship and where jesus is intrduced to people. so there are already like 15 "little" Bridgeways all over OKC. it was wierd at first, but kinda exciting now!

  7. Being disconnected from a regular sunday morning church, we're still looking for one in our new local, i have noticed that it is much easier for me to feel discouraged and frustrated in my walk. I think that it is really important for christians to be connected to a church body that meets regularly but I am not conviced that it is for bringing those who haven't bought in or aren't looking to buy in. Maybe I'm off base but I know very few people who went to a church service and said, hey this is for me. More often they had a really great friendship with a christian and then wanted a piece of what they had.

  8. But is the sunday morning time really what defines what a Christian has? Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. Maybe it depends on your church. Maybe church needs to be rethunk.There is, however, value about being connected to something bigger than a home community. I'm just not sure if it's the most essential be all end all.

  9. i think something bigger than a house church is vital too- weve got groups of house churches that meet once every month as a bigger groups of about 40 people, with all ages of people, which i really like, it is nice to hear from older/wiser ones and get from them what we might not get from a group of younger folk. it is well balanced.

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