The Most Important Blog You'll Ever Read

We must apologize. Ryan, Arwen, and Jessica must all apologize. It began as a joke, it turned into obsession, and it ended in pain. Some have called him bipolar, but we like to call him tripolar. It no longer matters, for he is dead now, killed off by his creators, nay, by his very own personalities. Here is his story:

It was a late Thursday night and very little had happened in the blog world that day. The weekend was coming and little more was to be expected. Boredom ensued. Ryan, Arwen, and Jessica jokingly came up with a plan. Find a picture we would. Give him a name we would. Create a completely artificial blogmunity member we did. We looked upon our creation and exclaimed that it was good.

There was brilliance behind the mystery. A purpose behind the bloody boy…Prepare yourself for a story that will shrink your balls to the size of raisins (results may vary).

Have you ever tried to google Monkey Knife Fight? You should try it. Go ahead. Try it. Do you notice someone? That’s right people. Its none other than our dear sweet departed Raj VanAllen. We think that there is a need for some clarification. Raj is not a real name. It could be a real name, but the Raj that we all know and hate is not a real name. It’s a heartfelt acronym for Ryan, Arwen, and Jessica. Are you catching on? We were bored one night and thought it would be terribly clever and even more terribly funny if we combined forces and created a new blogger. Arwen had a sudden recurrence of Monkey Knife Fight obsession, so she googled it. There was Raj. What better picture to go on that one of a pretty little boy covered in blood? So our story begins…

Everyone had great ideas of who this guy would be. Ryan created the name. Jessica created the attitude (or the direction that it would head in). Together, we created the profile and then… Raj’s very first blog. From there, he took on a mind of his own. Because we all had the password, we commented on blogs without the others’ knowing– so at times, Raj was real. He was real in our hearts. WWRD. No, not word, What Would Raj Do. It became our mantra. If Tara and Eric went camping naked, what would Raj say? If Raj ran out of ideas to blog about, who would he steal a post from? If Raj loved slurpees, what kind would he like and what would be the most disturbing thing he could say concerning them without truly offending someone personally. We figured that Raj would simply be a little joke. Something to do when our ideas for blogs wouldn’t fit into the genre of our own blogs. But then, Raj’s profile view’s surpassed all of our expectations. He had almost half of our own (Ryan and Arwen) profile views and actually more than Jessica (lets all work on this)… all over the course of a simple weekend. Raj was a genius.

He had friends that included Stacy and Tobin. Who is Stacy? Raj asks that . Through some research and much planning, we stumbled across a young lady named Stacy who was from Northern California, not too far from San Jose where Raj lived, yet far enough away from Lisa in San Diego that they would never meet. We linked to her and called her our friend. Stacy knows nothing.

One morning though, Raj got out of hand. He made comments that were inappropriate. He took a joke too far. Perhaps some of you got some of those comments… “I lost my virginity ______. It was ______.” It was funny to us (or at least to Arwen, it was funny). Unfortunately, we are the type to carry on a joke about 3 days after it stops being funny. Some were outraged. Some sent direct e-mails complaining about Raj and defending the people they were aimed at. Some people had to be called personally so that they did not have heart attacks and rage and kill innocent puppies, husbands, or pedestrians. This is when we decided that it would be best if Raj were no longer in our blogmunity. Our joke had gone on long enough. Hearts had to be broken. So, our dear Raj signed off forever, but not before he apologized to everyone for hurting feelers.

So now you know the story. Raj was, and remains to be, the best blog joke of all time. We sort of Reign Supreme in that aspect… you know… thinking of it and all…

The moral of the story is that the blogmunity is a place of honesty, authenticity, and of sharing each others funny stories, their sorrows, and their random thoughts. Raj broke all those rules. And for that we, and he, apologize.

R.A.J out.

16 thoughts on “The Most Important Blog You'll Ever Read

  1. the only reason i'm sad???BECAUSE I WANT MORE RAJ!!!was i the only one to truly love him? to even want t-shirts made? can't you just delete this post and ressurect raj?(runs away sobbing)

  2. you three are sooooo funny!i'm glad you called me though because i was seriously worried about how he was making arwen feel :)too bad you didn't ressurect him as a fundie like arwen told me you were thinking about doing . . . that would have been awesome!

  3. We were thinking about giving the password out to a few people who could then comment under the raj name.'Cause the problem is, is that we love him so much too! I'm serious, we talked about him like all day and all night!anyway, bringing him back with an understood idea that he's full of bs might still be fun…or it might just suck.

  4. i actually think that is brilliant. cause there is always something that you WANT to say, but can't. it would be all the awesome if you could just have raj say it.

  5. I thought you weren't going to tell anyone so you could him back? Whats up with that?I must say it was the best blog joke ever though. You are all my heros.

  6. So yeah, it is a funny joke. But I feel as though this little joke goes against everything that we know and love about blogging.Anyway, everything about raj was pretty random. It was almost like anything that popped into our head then became a part of raj.

  7. why does it go against it? are you under the mistake impression that people only post truths online? i think more than half of the bloggers out there are completely fake. i know i am. in general, my comments are real… but rebecca marie is a fabrication. the old addage holds true, there is some truth in every joke, but for the most part, rebecca marie is simply an excuse to be a vain know-it-all who makes demands on the planet.

  8. that means, what he frick?! the three people i that i thought i could trust, in this world. i guess i was wrong. dead wrong.

  9. Remember the time you signed on aol as someone else, and told a girl that you were madly in love with her? Then, only to find out that she was actually in love with the hijacked IMer? Then you felt very akward when you took the joke too far? That was funny! Stealing people's identities is awesome, but making up identities must be fun too

  10. Next to the birth of my three children, reading Priscilla's comment may be the proudest moment of my life. May inappropriate and uncoothful comments always lead people to think, "I bet Ben Ries wrote that."

  11. That's pretty funny Ben. (And Precillia.)FWIW I was pretty sure that RAJ was Rebecca Marie, however, with my raisin-sized, bits of manhood, I was too chicken to call her out. (I’m still actually wondering if she might be masterminding this some how.)All in all it reminds me of that movie where the kids mess with a trucker on the CB by pretending to be a girl interested in him named Candy Cane. Didn’t end so well for those guys…entertaining though.

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