Counters and more

I’ve been counting since I was a young child. I learned from Maria on Sesame Street (as did most kids) how to count to ten in Spanish, I learned how to count to 100 in French from monsieur Marzek at Clark College, and then I learned how to count to a few thousand in Portuguese from Donna (that is a title in Portuguese, much like Mrs.) Whatshername and Donna Whatstheotheronesname. To be honest, if you couldn’t tell, I don’t remember the names of the ladies who attempted to teach me Portuguese. For in reality they were not very good teachers. Had they been better teachers I just might be a better man today because of it, but that must leave itself for another blog on another day.
Just recently I learned a new way of counting, I learned how to add on a counter into my blogger. It’s small and it has a small add attached to it (I’m still new at this crap) but it counts how many hits my blog gets. So as not to embarrass myself I started the counter at 35 and in less than 48 hours I am up to 60something! What’s going on? Who is visiting my blog? I am up in arms about this ’cause I know for certain I do not have that many friends! Sure I visit my own blog site at least once an hour on the hour (that actually accounts for approximately 23 of the hits, which ironically brings my hit# up to 58 which leaves room for Roni and Arwen and, tadah, I’m up to 60).
Here is what I would like to leave you with…never stop learning. I once heard Mr. Rogers say, shortly before he died, that you can do no better for yourself than to learn learn learn learn. If I’ve learned one thing it’s that learning is the best thing you can ever learn to learn. That’s what my show was all about, learning. If kids weren’t learning while watching me learn on television, then I believe that parents should learn to teach their kids to learn.
As it turns out Mr. R aint quite as smart as we all thunk he was. And as it turns out, this specific blog was quite a doozy of a loser. And as it turns out, you might now believe me to be not quite as smart as you originally thought I was…crap.

11 thoughts on “Counters and more

  1. I think you should know that 113 (the number on your counter while I am writing this)minus 35(for FreyPoints) is 78 which is 1 less than the current count on my site. Just an update.

  2. First off, I am very proud of the number of comments. It's quite pleasing.Secondly, if you take into account how many times you visit your own site…I think I'm up by 15.

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