He's my daddy in a different way than he is your daddy

Its new years eve as I write this. Tomorrow will be another year, another adventure full of surprises and stories. As I look on towards the fast approaching change of season I find myself thinking with great fondness upon what this last year, the year of our Lord two thousand and five, has brought us. I would like to embark upon a quest or as a rich old man once said,

Troubles come and troubles go, but if you stay true to who you are on the inside, trouble will never overcome you. No, you will ride above the adventures and travesty that comes your way, you will find a new way to live. You will truly live the life the real you was meant to live. You have heard that it was said, yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, but for me, there is no shadow, there is no death. Only life. For if I began to see that glimpse, that ray of evil from within the storm I would simply say, “be true. Be true to yourself. Rise. Rise above. Eat. Eat meat.”

And so that quest now begins. Here are a few things I have learn this year. Learn from my mistakes, my joys, and my wife?

  1. It’s never too late to learn
  2. There’s absolutely no answer to the riddle of how much a woodchuck can chuck
  3. Electricity is expensive. Beware ’cause it just might bite you in the butt
  4. Oprah’s gay?
  5. Modge Podge, what is it?
  6. Sticky buns. I’ve learnt to make some good sticky buns
  7. It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all…NOT
  8. The early nineties term “not” and “syke” are coming back and we cannot stop them
  9. F*%$ is the most versatile word in the english language…Strike that…I mean, in the entire world
  10. And the most important thing I’ve learned…Flight of the Navigator was simply the best movie ever put on film. And if you do not agree I will fight you.


4 thoughts on “He's my daddy in a different way than he is your daddy

  1. i find it interesting that the modge podge and the sticky buns are near on another due to their commonality of the stickiness… i think i used that word wrong… SYKE YOUR MIND!

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