Rumors of Success

I’m not huge into numbers, I think they motivate me too much and skew my perception of what is good and best. So don’t get too caught up in the numbers below, but read this message from Stan Granberg, executive director of Kairos Church Planting, and know that what Renovatus and the downtown Vancouver church plant Jess and I will lead are a part of something bigger, something that is changing the world, something that is…dare I say it… successful.

Easter Sunday, it’s a celebration of the resurrection power of God and it is one of two times each year we stand back for an objective look and let the numbers tell us how we’re doing. First I’ll give you the numbers, then a sense of what those numbers mean.

– 11 new churches reported, the oldest is 5 years old and the youngest 3 churches have not yet had their opening launch. – 1,169 is the average worship attendance in 2010. – 1,670 was Easter Sunday attendance. – 15 baptisms occurred the weeks prior to and following Easter.

Now here’s the perspective point. According to Outreach magazine, to make the 2009 list of America’s 100 fastest growing churches a church had to have “attendance greater than 1,000, a numerical gain of 300 or more, and a percentage gain of at least 5 percent.”

These 11 church plants have a combined average worship attendance of 1,169, they had 339 more people at Easter in 2010 than 2009, this was 25.5% higher than 2009 Easter and 30.5% higher than their 2010 worship attendance average! As a collective network (comparative to a multi-site church), these 11 churches would make America’s 100 fastest growing churches in 2010!

Now here’s the underlying story. About 50% of the people who are attending these 11 new churches would not have been in a church a year ago, or two years or three years ago. The amazing church planting couples leading these new churches are intentionally reaching for and gathering together God’s lost people. God is restoring his lost people into his great church family!

Thank you for supporting this amazing kingdom activity with your finances, your prayers and your attention. Next month look for the announcement of the “Ten for 10” prayer network. We’re looking for 1,000 people this year to join together in a regular, monthly concert of prayer on behalf of God’s lost people in America. We’re going to ask you to join this prayer endeavor with us.

Stan Granberg
Kairos executive director