It Tastes Like Burning

I think I’ve figured out that I do better handling physical pain than I do the monotony of exhaustion, queasiness, and discomfort. Physical pain functions somewhat as an enemy that I can fight against while the other stuff seems to keep me more depressed and unplugged from life. It creeps up on you and doesn’t give you a direct enemy to stand up against. So I spend most of my week sleeping though Saturday, Sunday, and Monday I have a bit more energy. Saturday is reserved for my family, Sunday is my big social day as we have our community meal (though few realize that following the meal I literally sleep/rest from 4 ’till the next morning!), and Monday ends up being filled with prep for the week ahead(counting out pills, doing bills, etc.).

As far as an update, in the last week a new symptom has crept up where the skin on my sides and stomach feel like they’re on fire. The nerves are on edge and I spend most the day trying to keep a shirt, wife, or sheet from touching me. Today I talked to my doctor about it and guess what…I get to go back on steroids! The steroids are intended to reduce any swelling in my spine that could be causing the symptoms. Additionally today I’ll be going in for an MRI to make sure there’s no bleeding in my spine that could also be a cause.

All in all I’m a week and a half away from being done with my radiation and chemo treatments which means that I’m about five and a half weeks away from my first set of MRI’s that will show progress or digression in fighting against the cancer (the MRI I’m receiving today shouldn’t provide much valuable information at this point in time). Pray for that date at the end of September!

I miss being a part of y’alls life but I am still constantly amazed at how we’ve been  cared for. I could list off over 100 names of people who have brought us meals, helped pick up our house, or have sent gifts or cards. The good news is that now that I’m back on steroids I’ll be able to cry again as I think about how amazing you all have been (I’ve truly missed the gift of tears lately).

See you all soon (after August 24th hopefully)
