Video Blog: Ch Ch Ch Changes

This was already posted via facebook and referenced in this blog; but because I was in the hospital I was unable to upload it to youtube nor post it to my blog.* So here she is, though all my facebook friends have already seen it.


*  I want you to realize that I used a semicolon in this sentence. I have no idea if I used it correctly, but I like to imagine that I did. Please don’t tell me otherwise.

3 thoughts on “Video Blog: Ch Ch Ch Changes

  1. Good use of a semicolon Ryan. However, you should have used an "or," not "nor," right after that in your compound sentence.

    I hope you're not upset that I am commenting on this. I mean, you said that if you used the semicolon incorrectly not to say anything (and I commented, that you DID INDEED, do a good job with it.) So, I met your rules and complied. But, being such an English nerd myself, I really could not help myself in pointing out your teeny, tiny misuse of the word "nor," which is very common by the way. Please don't HATE ME!?!

    I hope instead I have made you laugh. You can pretend I'm a Pharisee or some such. It reminds me of how they were (we are?) toward God. We do our best to "meet the rules" He's given us, but boy do we ever bend them over backwards, don't we!

    Love ya, Kiddo! I'm old enough I can get away with saying that and hope you won't be offended by that, either. You are actually a really FINE young man with a "tough road to hoe," spoken in my best Texas accent. Which reminds me . . . I just read your dating story. When were you in Lubbock and where were you going to school? I grew up just north of Lubbock, straight up the interstate about 17-18 miles in Abernathy, Texas on a cotton farm. Loved it! I'm getting ready to go out there next month to visit my mom in a wonderful Alzheimer's home at Raider Ranch.

    God Bless! Dee

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