Please Don’t Hate Me: Video Blog 7-16-12

So this is my first venture into video blogging–something that I’m going to try to do more often. Some feedback may be valuable for both you and I…though in no way am I truly going for high quality video as much as I’m shooting for functional quality matched with a standard of “good enough” content.

The bulk of this video is centered around Tuesday’s (July 17th) fundraiser at Kiggins Theater in downtown Vancouver. It should be a killer night with great music, great drinks, great raffles (no, seriously), an amazing silent auction, and tons of other great stuff. Please come down not only to support our family but to support the continuation of a movement as this fundraiser is no longer just about our family but about  a 501c3 that is dedicated to the type of movement that Jess and I are passionate about: to see a grassroots movement of people finding life in an amongst our downtown ‘Couve neighborhoods!

You can also view it here:

(also, can I say that at this point in time, I find it really amusing to see the videos that are being connected to this video on my google sidebar! It’s like a bunch of teenage girls talking about dating or something! I haven’t actually watched them…but they look awkward…and very unconnected to my content…and…awkward. Here’s hoping it changes at some point! Ha!)

4 thoughts on “Please Don’t Hate Me: Video Blog 7-16-12

  1. Hey Ryan, I hope that I speak for MOST people when I say, "Don't worry about not recalling each and every online encounter/chat/e-mail/post."
    You have enough on your mind/body/spirit/soul to warrant an extra dose of grace. There are literally thousands of people praying for you world-wide and I ask our Heavenly Father to give you a peace about this small detail… we'll not be offended if you forget!
    We love you and your family's vision and intentionality about Grassroots Conspiracy and downtown Vancouver. Thanks for the video!

  2. I second Jerrad's comment big time. It was a great get together last night and I want to say "thanks" for getting me the notebook. I have to say I'm really curious, too, as to why the "Bad Girl" videos are attached to yours???

  3. Ryan – You are SO cute and sweet and funny and caring and . . . well, all I have to say is that if I weren't still so madly in love with my wonderful husband, who rescued me so many, many years ago from a pitiful young life (it really was), you might turn my head. 😉

    You did a great first video blog and it's great to see you face to face, so to speak. You sound about like I did in writing my very first blog post for "the world," – and I had already been a newspaper journalist and columnist who everybody in town and around knew. But, I soon, found, as I'm sure you have been and are – that "the whole world" out there seems a bigger challenge. But, what I've discovered in the seven plus years I've blogged is a whole WORLD full of wonderful Christians, some who have become my dearest friends!! We are YOUR friends, too.

    I thought when you began to talk that you were going to say that you wanted all of us to stop bothering you with our comments, emails, etc, but NO – YOU are trying to apologize to us! That blows me away and I hope I am just a portion of what you are at being gracious! What a terrific example you are setting for not only all of us, but most of all your sweet children. I don't know them personally, but all children are sweet to me (beginning with my own and my grandkids) and especially those with parents like you.

    Hope last night went well for you and all. Wish I could have been there, but it was a bit of a drive from south Mississippi.

    God bless . . .


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