Sick as a dog…no offense to dogs everywhere

Ugh, sorry for being absent for so long, between friends coming to town and being sick as a dog blogging has not been a priority (or even a possibility!). Keep me in your thoughts as my bed and my porcelain toilet have been my friend for the past week…good times.

As for updates, I go in on Thursday for my next set of MRI’s. We’ll get those reports on the following Wednesday, June 13th.


(new update. Jess just called the clinic and turns out I’ve got a UTI. This is good news ’cause due to my numbness down there and also ’cause I’m a dude–they can be much worse if you’re a dude I guess–much of what I’m experiencing can be caused by this. It’s a good thing Jess personally requested the urinalysis!)

6 thoughts on “Sick as a dog…no offense to dogs everywhere

  1. Ryan and Jessica,
    Thanks so much for coming to my class last night! It means so much to me that you would take time out of your busy schedule to come talk to us! Your story and your family have touched me in ways that are unexplainable. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers!
    With love,

  2. Booo. Abigail had 3 UTIs when she had Kidney Reflux. Those were terrible for her: high fevers, burning, back hurting, vomiting, all around miserable. So sorry :(

  3. i'm super not happy that you have an infection to battle, but i'm happy SUPER THE MOST that it's treatable and maybe those nasty flu like sypmtoms will be gone soon.

    GOD. DO THIS. please.

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