My Thoughts on the Future of Our World

What is it about flying cars? It seems like since the beginning of time our dreams of the future (of the ‘year 2000’) included flying cars. And yet here we are driving on the ground and flying in planes. I guess our sci fi movies wouldn’t have been as cool had they dreamed of a future where information could be shared wirelessly, where you could spend money you didn’t have if you just swiped a piece of plastic, and where Starbucks ruled the world.

Here are some of my predictions of the future in no particular order:

  • Angry Birds will come out with a game for the X-Box platform
  • Purgo hardwood floors will become even more prevalent in our homes
  • Pennies will be eliminated and we’ll start using our dollar coins (but we’ll choose to call them loonies like they do in Canada…’cause that’s kind of awesome)
  • Those slap bracelet things will become popular again
  • Books will still be around and a slew of new brick and mortar book stores will open that don’t use ‘the digital age’ as an excuse for non-innovative or successful business practices.
  • A hologram will become president
  • Toilets will be considered an opiate of the masses
  • Upon finding out that cloth bags are bad for the environment our economy (which was built on a platform of cloth bag usage) will crash
  • Ikea stores will get bigger and they will introduce a new “stay and camp for the night” alternative
  • Our national anthem will be re-written to the tune of “twinkle twinkle” so that it can be more universally accepted
  • Women will stop painting their finger nails
  • Puzzles will be cool again
  • A counter movement to the wireless age will emerge. They’ll use corded phones, connect to the internet via land lines, print only on computers they’re plugged into, email colleagues by throwing paper at them across the office, and most importantly they’ll refuse to cut umbilical cords so as to keep a wired connection to their mother forever.
  • Oh yeah, and I do think there will be flying cars.

2 thoughts on “My Thoughts on the Future of Our World

  1. Great list!
    How about:
    Men will be no longer afraid to admit they're lost and actually stop to ask for directions.
    Lady Gaga and Katy Perry will be endlessly played on classic pop radio stations.
    Speed bumps will be outlawed.
    The iphone 10 will be released with a Taser app.
    Churches will be actually known for helping the poor and sick.

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