The Ever Elusive Small Group

I’m very excited about what’s happening at Renovatus right now. We’ve got somewhere between 13-15 home communities starting up in mid September focusing anywhere from intense Bible study to game nights. This is a big step for us considering that before our communities went on break before the summer we only had 5ish.
As the connections minister it has been my primary role to get these up and running in a healthy and fairly natural way with structures in place to maintain them well…hopefully.

Sorry this blog is pretty dry at this point. But I’m getting to a question here that I’d like your help with. I very much believe that home communities will help to create disciples (or grow already committed followers) hence the reason I’m spending my time trying to cultivate new groups but good, functioning small groups seem very hard to come by. I don’t say that purely based on my own experience or the experience of Renovatus. I’m basing that observation on conversations I’ve had with people, books, and, yes, some of my own experiences. So have you ever been a part of a really good small group? In your eyes what made it work?

3 thoughts on “The Ever Elusive Small Group

  1. before we moved to central Oregon a couple of years ago, we had a great small group. The thing that made it so special was how deep our relationships were. It wasn't about what we were doing, but who was doing it. we were intimately involved in each others lives. It felt like we depended on our weekly conversations to sustain our selves spiritually and the leader of that group I can tell you honestly that it just happened. we did not intentionally set out to create this culture. It was amazing!I feel like a meal together is a must, other than that there have been various combinations of ingredients that have been successful. Each group will have to find it on their own, one model will not be right for all 13-15 groups.good luck, we will pray for you in our life group 😉

  2. Man, thats great to have that goal for small groups. Our small group right now is to big, we need to give birth to a new one. But, like Adam said we are filling a need in the oneswho come every week. We decided that when sheep are hungery they eat, we do a variety of things, some study, service, fellowship, hanging out. I love it when groups just start on there own and serve the purpose of those around them. Sorry to ramble…I love small groups.p.s.we are having a training in Sept for all leaders and potential leadersof s.g. James Woodwill lead it.

  3. I was a part of a small group that I would say was the best church I've ever been a part of. Unfortunately, we weren't very small – only drawback. It was started by some Cascade grads (I was living in Seattle at the time) who wern't very connected to their churches and felt weird about going to the "grown up home groups offered". So they started in what was the Vancouver church's blue house (I'm assuming it's still there). Once a week lots of young college/post-college folks would get together and share life. I came back to Portland several months later and felt immediately like I was supposed to be a part of this. It lasted for quite a few years. When my bro Tim and I lived together we even hosted it in our house for a while. When we finally concluded the group more and more of us felt comfortable with our roles at the churches we were attending. I miss that group. We had real in depth Bible studies, lots of conversation, lots of good food, singing, accountability groups, etc. It was great.

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