Anthem Park

Thank you Anthem Park. Thank you for the two years we spent under your shelter. It was in your cover that Jonesy learned to walk and talk. India was born while we lived there too. Many of my most precious moments of my marriage are associated to the time that we lived in those apartments. You treated us well. Your carpets were easily stained and there was that whole bird poop thing, but besides that you treated us with respect and honor. I miss you a little bit, not much, but a little bit. I’ll always hold on to those memories.
But the real honor goes to the management of Anthem Park. If it wasn’t for you I’d still be living there. If it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t be in this amazing house, living in center of the very community that we hope to plant a church. If it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t be worm composting, growing a garden, watering our garden with rain collected from the roof, meeting little neighbor kids, and working on projects with my son in our little garage. Thank you. You raised our rent by $150 in one fell swoop and thus forced us to move on. Thank you. God works in mysterious ways (quite an understatement actually). Oh management, dear management, why don’t you get recycling? You pay for it, you have space for it, but you don’t offer it. Oh management, why did you give us $200.00 back from our deposit when we only gave you $185? Oh management, how is it that you’re only in the office two hours a day when your office says you’re there from 12:00-4:00? Oh management, dear management, how come it took you a month to find a parking space for my friend who cannot be spoken of in this blog until she gets what’s not deserved? Oh management, dear management I won’t really miss you, but thanks for the cash.

4 thoughts on “Anthem Park

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