Why I'm Getting Plastered Tonight

I love this…
The book of Acts, the story of the beginning of the Spirit of God’s in-breaking into the world through and around Christ followers, starts off by telling about the first supernatural Spirit moment. Jesus’ twelve closest companions (minus the Judas and plus the new guy) start speaking in different languages. They didn’t know these languages, in fact these men were considered the Jewish equivalent of white trash (Galilean, if I understand the history correctly). And yet people from dozens of different countries who spoke dozens of different languages all of a sudden understood their words. A miracle. But as with any miracle there are always skeptics. And the skeptics said “Whatev, these guys are just wasted (drunk)”.
Here’s the part I love…
Peter’s response wasn’t “Umm, excuse me? You think we’re drunk? Don’t you know that we’re Christians? We don’t drink. Drinking is wrong because it could lead to getting drunk.” or “Only sinners drink. We’re Christians…so obviously we haven’t been drinking.” No, his response was “We’re not drunk! It’s too early for that. People don’t get drunk this early in the morning!” Is he implying that all the Apostles were going to get wasted later that day after they were done baptizing thousands of people into new relationships with Jesus? I doubt it. But it sure is intriguing.

7 thoughts on “Why I'm Getting Plastered Tonight

  1. I guess I should say this real quick, I don't really drink. I like to drink, but I don't really do it. Why? Because it's too frickin' expensive! I'm just cheap. And oddly enough I've never even gotten drunk. I'm not saying this is good for me and bad for you, I just don't want good intentioned people to pray for me tonight because they're seriously concerned that I might walk down to the Tip Top Tavern and plunk down too much change on too much pbr…which would be a travesty in and of itself. So if you want to pray for me…awesome! Thanks! Please do. If you want to pray over my drinking habits, I'd prefer you just prayed for my lack of finances instead.

  2. I drank a PBR last night after work.and in the memory of Raj…anyone who doesn't drink PBR is an F*ck Head.no. I'm kidding.sort of.

  3. it is good to hear that you do not have a drinking problem ryan, that would suck. I will pray for you my friend but not for that… maybe an seemingly unstoppable need to get a rise out of fundamentalist christian perhaps but not that..

  4. "I don't want to do this very long: I didn't know I was going to be handeling snakes today, so I had a bunch of beers at lunch."(quote from a biologist holding a Cape Cobra in Africa on Survivorman last night)I could see the Apostles saying that: "Oh! Yea, I can baptize you. Don't be offended by the smell of booze – I didn't know I was going to be Saving anyone today so me and Peter were playing Quarters at lunch."I love it!

  5. i know ur busy with the kids and all, but consider this some "You Time"time to remember who you are so that you are Ryan not just "Jessica's Husband" or "Jones and India's Dad" know what I mean?I do this because I'm thinking of you.Do some self reflection.and tag. you're it.did i just copy and paste this with minimal revision from Jess' blog? Yep.guilty as charged.

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