A little about me.

I thought I’d share some more stuff about me, what makes me tick…

  1. I’ve had Patrick Ewings middle name memorized since I was like 9…and I’m not sure why.
  2. I’m getting my first tattoo exactly one week from right now.
  3. I like to garden
  4. Especially pumpkins
  5. I don’t like pumpkin pie
  6. If asked to start a song (like in a worship setting) I will always start Step by Step (or Everything I do by Bryan Adams). I don’t even like that song that much.
  7. My dream is to one day pee my pants in public for a joke.
  8. I’ve been detained while attempting to reenter into the United States from Portugal. They though I had some drug they called “cod”. I told them I thought cod was a fish. They laughed and let me go.
  9. I have extremely vague and yet oddly fond memories of two specific movies: Peanut butter Solution and Fatty Finn
  10. My greatest fear is that I’ll pee my pants in public for a joke but nobody will be able to tell…so in the end I’ll have piss on my leg and nobody will be laughing.

On a side note, are any of you clowns? I need a clown who can make balloon animals. Do you know someone?

4 thoughts on “A little about me.

  1. first off, i believe it is called "fatty fatkins"secondly,rolo used to make baloon animals for a living!! i bet if you fly him in from CA he will totaly make you some animal baloons.thirdly, if you cant fly rolo in, surely dad can make baloon animals…he can do random wierd things like that…and if he can't make baloon animals, i know he can make an orange ball float in mid air, or stretch his elbow skin. the kids love that sort of thing. so…theres lots of options.man, im full of ideas.

  2. Rolo is your guy! Let me tell you… there is no balloon animal maker better than than your good ole friend Rolo. He isn't a clown though… don't make the mistake of calling rolo a clown… he doesn't like that sort of thing. and if you fly him up, you'll have to fly me too, because its not right for him to go to my home and leave me here in CA. What if your dad made balloon animals out of his elbow skin? that would be creepy.

  3. Where are you getting your tat? (both where on your body and where will you go to have it done)Patrik was one of my favorite basketball stars when I was into basketball. In addition to being a great player, he was a nice guy too.When you say Step By Step, do you mean the Christian song or the theme from the show of the same name?Have you seen Will Ferrel's starting monologue when he hosted SNL for the first time since quitting the main cast? He sang a song and "peed" all down his leg but didn't notice. Then he went into the crowd and put his pee-pants right in the faces of people sitting down. Right after he sang the last note he said "We've got a great show, (musical guest) is here! Oh, I peed myself." calm as a cucumber. Awesome.

  4. 1) SAT: I think it's the NKOTB song he's talking about… at least I hope it is….2) I know how to make giraffes. and dogs. with very long necks. and elephants. elephants with very long necks and very little ears.3) I'm funny. But I'm no clown.4) I forgot to ask Jack about The Stuff

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