Paul (the one who wrote stuff in the Bible) made an interesting comment once that, in my translation, when it comes to talking about Jesus he cares less about peoples motives than the simple fact that they’re preaching about the right person. I may have misunderstood what Paul meant, but if I’m right I think that I’m learning better what he means.
Let me explain.
I don’t try to rebel against the establishment or anything like that. I’m just me and I like being me. I do, however, prefer not to do what everybody else is doing just because I hate the idea of people thinking that I’m trying to be like everyone else.
I’ve been involved with for quite a while (involved on a much lower level then I’d prefer, but involved none the less). Recently, however, Jess and I wanted to deepen our involvement by promoting their cause through awareness (i.e. wearing the bracelets and purchasing a shirt). Right after we purchased the stuff though I started seeing them everywhere, on TV, etc. I nearly regretted my decision to buy the stuff because it would seem like I was just trying to do what all the celebrities and such were doing…then I thought, wait a second, who gives a rip? What if it became the cool thing to support ending extreme poverty and the aids crisis in Africa? How great would that be? Who cares about the motivation, it would still serve a great purpose.
On to the final aspect of my story.
I wore the bracelet to my work and within a week had four people ask about them. Within a week and a day I’d given out ten of them. Someone even commented, “whats with the bracelets? Is that like the cool thing to wear now?”…i hope so

*If you’d like a bracelet, email me your address and I’ll send you one gladly.

5 thoughts on “ONE.ORG

  1. A couple of years ago, it was the thang at the Borders I worked at to sport the bracelet – I kinda reacted in the same way.But like you said, if it diverts attention to a worthy cause, who cares if celebrities are pimping it too. I gotta believe there is some sincerety, even in Hollywood.

  2. I have the bracelet and the shirt. And everytime I wear one of them someone asks me about it. Sometimes I feel really silly because my involvement is limited to signing the petitions to the govnt, wearing their gear, and checking out their website every now and then. And I wish i could do more, tell more people, have better answers for something I am promoting. But after a while I decided that I don't have to be the spokesperson for them, if I wear the shirt and someone asks me about, then maybe they will go and find out more… sorta like telling someone about Jesus. Whether its cool or not, people need to know.

  3. What I love about the One Campaign is this; they don't want your money, just your voice.There are many great things that need money. example, World Vision.World Vision has been doing this for some time. Bono took his first trip to Africa with World Vision back in the 80's.Bono is one of the forefront leaders of this movement and DATA.Wear a wristband or not. T-shirt or not. Just get involved. Give your voice.peace.johno~

  4. totally unrelated topic: i don't have amos lee tickets yet . . . did you want to know where to get them or are they sold out or something?

  5. I'm one to rebel against "popular" things too, but I agree: who cares if Lindsay Lohan likes One.Org – the point is people will see it, and it's something I can believe in.Dig it like a hole!

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