Randomness turned pacifism

I thought of something earlier today that I needed to post about. But I have since forgotten. I’m not yet ready to post about the American gospel (which is no gospel indeed). I thought about posting about the two movies that I’ve recently seen (Little Miss Sunshine and Stranger than Fiction). They were pretty killer I thought and have surprisingly good messages. Arwen’s in town…holla…I taught Jones to say puma today. He was playing with a little plastic cheetah but cheetah was too hard of a word to say. So I taught him to say puma, and it stuck. It’s cute. He also says paprika, bagel, pickle, and balls (yes those balls).
Here’s a random thought…
Any pacifists out there? All you pacies tell me what’s the dealio yo. I like pacifism. I think it’s pretty wicked awesome. I want to be on it. But what if I like see a person getting raped? Like I’m walking down the street and I come across this horrible situation. Should I shower the rapist with love? Should I kill him with kindness? Or should I attempt to use a show of force to cause him to stop? Isn’t violence necessary at times to help innocent peoples? Or does pacifism require us to ask those victims to suffer for our beliefs? Violence begets violence…but…
I know I’m speaking in generalities but I think you get the point. Help me out here ’cause I know there are some good responses out there.
Peace out. Yo yo ma.

Oh, and I’m very serious about the violence/pacifism thing. I was intending to write a whole blog about it, but instead it just popped out here amidst my odd random blog. Please don’t disregard my question because of my joking nature. Thanks.

5 thoughts on “Randomness turned pacifism

  1. (Warning: comment intended for ADULT readers only) I too wish I could be a complete pacifist, but I gotta admit that the only pacifism I can sanction ethically is pacifism when the object is purely personal (gain or protection). Today there was a news story here in Boise about two Jr High guys who raped and sodomized a girl . . . seven people watched and took pictures (to ensure the prosecution of the perpatrators, I hope) but NO ONE helped. THAT IS A SIN and a crime against all that is good. We don't live in a perfect world and sometimes the actions which our ethical responsibilities require of us reflect that imperfection. I believe that violence against others causes detrimental effects in the perpetrator of the violence, but I'd rather risk losing a good part of my inner self than allow someone else to suffer needlessly.

  2. i'm not going to lie. I'm sitting here on my bed watching Regis/ Howie Mandell and Kelly and it came to me. An epiphany if you will. If you won't, then I just don't know how to spell it. But you should name your daughter Harper. Harper AmeliaJane Woods. III. Shut up… you know you like it.

  3. Those two movies are both awesome! The G and I enjoyed them very much.I can't comment on the pacifism deal, because I'm not really a pacifist. I have a hard time beleiving in a non-violent mindset that has the word "fist" in it.

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