Heart Renovation

Please follow this link to a new blog that will be linked to the Renovatus website. Here’s the idea, it came out of our home community’s discussions…The Scriptures were intended to be studied and discussed as a community. Reading the Bible alone is not wrong, it is not bad, but it is incomplete. Home communities (small groups, life groups, etc.) are good places for this type of discussion to happen, but very often I have found that my small groups consist of others who think like me or who have similar experiences as me, or who have similar schooling to me, or who are the same age as me, or whatever. We lack the diversity that would bring about a more healthy discussion.
Sunday mornings would be ideal. I mean, we’re all showing up to hear the Word being taught, so why not incorporate something more communal? Granted this may work with certain types of churches depending on their format and purpose, but in general if a church wants to grow this cannot happen very easily at a more corporate setting.
We’re launching a blog. It’s a blog for biblical discussion. It’s a blog for those who know nothing about the Bible and for those who know lots (Ty). Those who know nothing learn and add their fresh perspective. Those who know lots add knowledge that they have gleaned through their studies (and maybe even learn something from the newbies if they’re lucky). It will be slow going at first, but my hope is that this can be a resource for spiritual growth at Renovatus and it’s connected blogmunity.

But before the blog goes public on the website I want you all to give me some feedback. I threw up there real quick a potentially typical post. Give me some criticism. I don’t really know what this should/will look like and I want the blogmunity to shape it a little before it gets going. We’ve got one week.



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