E is for Encouragment

After reading my wifes response to Jen’s blog where Jess said why she sucked I found myself wanting to respond by telling everybody what she’s good at. I don’t like when my wife tries to make people think that she sucks at many things ’cause the truth is that she is actually one of the most talented people I know. Seriously, she is a woman who is in high demand because she is so incredibly talented.
Anywhoo, I thought I’d give everyone a chance now to leave comments doing one of three things: 1.) tell us all what it is that you do well (imagine Martin Short in Three Amigos). OR 2.) Tell us what someone else you know (maybe someone whose commented on our precious blogs, maybe not) is really good at.

Here’s the only rule: No lying. Seriously, I’ll know it’s a lie if someone says that Tabitha grows great Fuji apples. Lets keep it real here alright?

7 thoughts on “E is for Encouragment

  1. –you didn't even mention pit fat in this one… caught you.–Jess does excel at pretty much everything….Tabitha is good at not being mean to people I would probably be mean to (The PV for example)James is great at putting the fear of robots into my heart.Gina is great at making me laugh. a lot.Roni is good clean fun.I'm getting better at finding the good in a bad situation.

  2. i like this game.i am good at seeing the good in people and telling them about it.ryan is good at being passionate about acting like jesus in the real sense.jess is good at being HOTTT.gina is good at forgiving me for unwittingly stealing her date to jr/sr.ty is good at growing up real real handsome and smart.arwen is good at befriending people in a really real way.rebecca is good at being my friend.roni is good at being funny.jason is good at computers and smiling and photography (dang, he's talented) oh oh oh, and he makes a good mix tape.ike is good at book reviews and wearing tevas all the time.jen is good at taking pictures and remembering meeting me.kaydub is good at being funny and selling daybeds on craigslist.james is good at complimenting his wife and acting like jesus (and not very good at remembering jokes we have planned together).andrea is good at being super humble about hard times.raj is good at monkey knife fights.tabitha is good at familiarity and acceptance.breanna is good at being one of my hand (i'll explain if you need me to).

  3. there isnt much that im actualy good at…but jess is good at giving gifts. seriously. she is also very genuine…a good listener.
    ry is good at taking good care of his wife- he really treasures her and it shows.
    jen is a wonderful friend. people are drawn to her and always enjoy her fun-ness.
    i have lots more, but i think i will spread them out

  4. Tara’s good at thinking that she’s not good at stuff. In reality she’s good at being funny and telling funny stories. She’s good at making salsa and other foods. She’s good at being a missionary (as shown in Portugal). She’s good at having fun (who doesn’t have fun with tara?)…she’s good at lots, but I’ll leave it at that.

  5. Tara is also good at the domestic arts… she could give ol Martha a run for her money… OH MY GOSH! You could be an even cuter than Rachael Ray type of girl! Cuter in looks but also you wouldn’t have that loud barking thing going on…
    Tara is also excellent at fashion… really excellent.
    See T? You can’t bring your attitude here and expect not to hear about it :)

  6. Where should I begin? I feel a book coming on…

    Tara, obiously is good at many things. I know many a girl who would do anything to be like Tara! She is very good at being a real friend…not superficial at all. She is a master decorator and soup chef. And she has a special gift with children that not many people have. (did I mention best story teller EVER)

    Ryan, of course is perfect. But if I had to chose a couple things…
    He is very honest and real, maybe more so than anyone I have ever met…but not in an annoying mean way, just in a comfortable authentic way. He laughs a lot, Really. He is so truely happy within that it shows through all the time. He loves people a lot and is always looking for how to help those he sees that might have any needs. He is also a very caring/loving daddy

    Arwen=Funny. She also really has a tender heart. She tries not to show it very often, but it comes through in everything…because you can’t hide something like that. She comes up with great names for everyone and has more inside jokes than anyone can keep up with!!

    Jen has a great laugh. She takes great pictures. She is friends with everyone she meets. She doesn’t let her fears inhibit her, she is very courageous. She also wears cute scarves.

    Gina makes everyone feel good all the time! She is funny and good at top 8 lists.

    RM has a very funny sense of humor and I love that she loved Raj…she will always have a place in my heart for that.

    Lisa is real. She is funny. She loves God a lot and loves others through that…which is the best way to love.

    Dody has a very tender heart. She does things even when they are hard for her. She doesn’t give up. She reads a lot of books!

    Ty is caring and loves those who feel alone or different. He is tender to those who need…and he has a great laugh!!

    Roni is funny…for reals funny. She also has great priorities…and is materialistic in no way what-so-ever. She really cares for the people she helps at work.

  7. Dody is good at making me not feel stupid for loving my dog so much.RMW has some mad storytelling skilz of which I am a student.Jen is good at being a mom. I can say that because I saw her with her kids at a Chinese buffet restaurant–you can't fake good parenting in that environment.Ryan is good at getting us all to love each other.And I am good at keeping a budget, a skill that I have only picked up in the last 3 months.

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