All Hallows Eve

Jess and I can’t figure out what we’re going to be for the great day of the devil! Here are some of our ideas. Let us know what you think:

  1. Johnny Appleseed
  2. Colander head (in this costume we would wear a colander on our head)
  3. Male nurse (this one is for me…or her)
  4. Robots ( We’ve got some masking tape and some bottle caps that we would tape to our body)
  5. Androids (this would consist of us wearing our regular clothes but without any emotion)
  6. Turner and Houch
  7. A phone (This one would be tough to pull off. But I think we’d use our masking tape from the robot costume and tape a phone cord on us)
  8. Life
  9. Burt Reynolds (a carryover from last years list)
  10. A wet blanket (we’d wear a blanket and then spray ourselves with a spray bottle…this could also be a mexican costume with a rather large poncho. It all depends on the blanket)

13 thoughts on “All Hallows Eve

  1. I vote for the phone. Or I think you guys should be "Chips". You could be Ponch. Do you even remember that? Am I too old to be relevant?

  2. We thought this morning that I should be professor chaos from South Park…What do you think of that?? WOuld that be bad to go to the church halloween part as a South Park character? For real, would it be bad?

  3. i dont think it would be bad since you use southpark in your sermons and also no one would know who you were supposed to be anyway…

  4. much like your Kaydub on the post of Jess' where she told everyone that she died in a firey car crash, I have not yet read this post, but I laughed VERY loud when I saw the picture of Data… Very hard indeed… Now, I'm off to actually read what Starsky and Hutch have to do with Data…

  5. I would like to see (Ted)Turner and Hooch(ie)… I also like Colander Head. here is what you could say:Hey kids! I'm crazy Mr. Colander Head! I've got a colander for a head! Now gimme some candy…Hahaha… ohhh… that adam sandler cracks me up. Good times.

  6. Have I also mentioned that someone at Applebee's dressed up as Prof Chaos last year and it was the. best. costume… (wait for it)… EVER!

  7. JONES COULD BE KENNY!!!!!!!!!!!! (it would be a more "responsible" costume than last year's choice…)(i liked his Ty Penington outfit…)

  8. Intreresting…Kenny. Funny and relatively cheap…Hmmm. ALthough if me being a south Park character isn't pushing things too far, then I think me putting my child in one might be.

  9. ummm hmmmm ummmm i think you should buy make up and just figure it out as you go then not only do you not know but no one else does either

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