Dignity and Choice

Can the teachings of Jesus be simplified to those two simple words? Dignity and Choice. When Jesus touches the leper he instills dignity. When he tells poor people that they don’t have to be fearful or even violently revolt, but instead can break the rules by walking an extra mile carrying the soldiers pack, he is instilling dignity and giving them greater choice. When he teaches a new way that includes blessing for the meek, the persecuted, the poor in spirit, those in mourning he is instilling dignity and offering choice.

Isn’t that what we need? Dignity. You are of value, you were created by the hand of God, you were created to experience and bring greater love and beauty into the world. You are a carrier of the image of God. You are dignified. Don’t we need to live out of that reality?

Choice. Things don’t just have to happen to us, we are not simply victims. We have choice. We have the freedom to choose, the freedom to choose better, the freedom to choose to lift up our head when people try to push us down. When a victimizer slaps you across the face you have the freedom to “turn the other cheek” or, in other words, to stare the straight in the face again and say that you can slap me but you can’t dehumanize me. You have the freedom to make healthy choices, choices that bring greater blessing to yourself and to the world.

I love the idea of starting a church in downtown Vancouver whose foundation is this idea of helping people find dignity and empowering them to explore healthier choices.

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