Final Thoughts?

Some final thoughts prior to bedtime, night before the surgery…

  • There we were, the four of us sitting together on India’s bed this morning trying to discuss the reality of the day or two head of us. Daddy: “Today’s a big day kiddos! Today’s my last day with this tumor and then tomorrow the surgeon is going to take it out!” India: “Yay! Then we can eat it!” Jones: “India, it probably will feel like brain” Daddy: “I think it would taste and feel like a salty olive” Jones: “Dad, all olives are salty” Daddy: “right.”
  • A couple of minutes ago I was laying in bed with Jones trying to be a good dad and “encourage him” concerning tomorrows potential stress. Daddy: “Hey man, you got any questions about the big day tomorrow?” Jones: “Nope. What’s so special about tomorrow?” Daddy: “Well I’m going to get that tumor out of course!” Jones: “What’s so special about that? People have tumors all over the world right now.” Daddy: “That’s so true man. I guess it’s something new for our family, but its pretty normal across the whole world huh?” Jones: “Yeah, people are dying in some parts of the world right now with tumors” Daddy: “Dying? I think lots of people are having their tumors taken out and are being saved right now!” Jones: “What about people with tumors in Africa where there might not be good doctors or adequate medical facilities?” Daddy: “Wow, you’re right man. I guess we should feel really lucky to have such good doctors huh.” Jones: “yeah…” Daddy: “Umm…ok, well…I love you. Any other thoughts or questions?” Jones: “Nope. Can I have another pillow?”
  • I won’t take too much time to report on the overwhelming, amazing, beautiful night that was the prayer time hosted for our family at Compass church this evening. I cried too much. There were too many people. It was beautiful in its depth and simplicity. It felt right, it felt like community, it felt like God, it felt…uhh….I just don’t have words right now. Thank you all so so much. I can’t think of any better way  to enter into tomorrows surgery than with what happened tonight. Maybe I can write more cohesively about this another time. Thank you.
  • Finally…no better way to follow up a night of prayer and a fast starting at midnight with pizza and Cold Stone ice cream.
  • Surgery is scheduled for noon.
  • Oh, and last thing, I’ve been told to repost this one more time…If you’d like to help my fam while I’m locked up in the hospital, here’s what’s been setup:
    • If you would like to provide meals or gift cards please contact Erika Albright on Facebook, email (, or phone 360-521-4143
    • If you would like to help with jobs that need to be done. From laundry to yard work. Please contact Patty Jacobs-Kunkle on Facebook, email, or call her at 360-798-7139
    • If you would like to contribute money to Ryan’s medical bills you can do that at any Columbia Credit Union in Ryan Woods’s name. account # 444289 or through online giving here: or by sending a check to PO Box 873575 Vancouver, WA 98687 written to “Renovatus” and marked for Ryan Woods


Can a Boy Like the Color Pink?

I enjoyed a discussion last night at my children’s school classroom meeting. The parents were brought up to date on the discussions that were happening in the classroom and we were then invited to engage in a similar discussion amongst the parents in small groups. The topic was discrimination with an emphasis on men’s and women’s prejudice. Can a boy wear pink, can a girl be Spiderman, can a boy play princess, can a girl play football? The children were making these distinctions and were discriminating based on their judgements about what boys can or cannot do (and vice versa with the girls).

The two questions that they asked the parents to discuss were “growing up, what things were you taught were only ‘boy’ things and only ‘girl’ things?” and “what gender specific things do you want to pass on to your child?”

I was surprised at how hard the second question was to answer. Most everything I came up with was actually gender neutral. If I said that I wanted to train my son on how to treat/date a woman/wife with respect is that not just a tangent on the gender neutral idea of learning to value, love, and respect humanity? If I said I wanted to train my son to be a leader would I not see it valuable to train my daughter similarly (especially since she seems to evoke strong leadership qualities even at the age of three)?

Miroslav Volf in his amazing book Exclusion and Embrace suggests that we have very little to differentiate gender roles aside from the body itself. Essentially, according to Volf, we teach our children how to be healthy, whole, loving human beings over and above the gender distinctions that our culture currently buys into.

I’m intrigued to find out what many of you think. Can you identify gender specific elements that you’d like to guide your children into?

As for me and my house, we will vote for Basil

This is simply amazing. If it is a joke…its the best I’ve ever seen. If it’s not a joke (and it isn’t) it’s the best I’ve ever seen.

Check Basil’s website out, notice some of the following quotes (I have left spelling and grammar as the author wrote it):

Make sure that if national insurance is put in place, I will make sure the roots of such bill with not inclued any type measuring of the waist like other counties.

Vote for me and if I win I will immune you from all state crimes for the rest of you life!

I believe we must hate the U.S. Flag because we fly the wrong one and when we fly the right one we and the government fly it wrong.

The right too bear arms against our government and not burglars must be protected

I find it hard to take a campaign fund from anyone because if they give me money they expect something and then they seal it with a hand shack . I think this is bribery
so to keep everybody honest lets put all funds in one bucket, then divide the bucket by cities, counties and state ,then divide those buckets among who ever once want to run and nobody owes anybody.

People Called to stop Slavery at traffic stop they all say county court can not overrule supreme court ,but no-one will help while 1.8 billion is stole by false arrest

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Republican Gubernatorial Primary Battle Watch ‘010 – Tennessee
Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election Fox News

Finally! I'm growing up!

I’ve got great news! I’ve just received an email offering to solve all of my manhood issues! Woohoo! I’m not quite sure who sent it because it appears that it was actually sent from my own email. It must be some sort of surprise late birthday present. Anyway, I look forward to seeing how this mysterious giver teaches me how to fix cars, build things out of wood, repair lawnmowers, read sci-fi, and other manly things that I have somehow missed out on in life.

So whoever you are, thank you so much for thinking of me.



Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet Vs. President Obama Appears on The View While Chelsea Clinton Gets Married in a Beautiful Wedding Dress

Ok, so what if I titled a post with three of the top googled items of this week. What are you going to do about it? Consider it an experiment to see what kind of random misplaced traffic it sends here. On a more reminiscent note, here is me singing to my wife at our wedding over seven years ago. Yes, its bad. Yes, its supposed to be bad. Yes, it was my wedding gift for her.