
$3.99. For $3.99 you too can look like a cool hipster church planter. They’ve done studies you know. Anyone. Literally anyone who puts on these glasses is instantly transformed into something wholly new–something wholly beautiful–something…well…something simply amazing.


Church planter?

Clark Kent?

Fred Armisten?

Trust me.

Feel free to borrow them. These glasses don’t belong to me. They’re too powerful to belong to just one person. No, these glasses belong to you, to me, to the community. They are we and we are us and we are all together…

(sorry for this post. Too much coffee this morning?)

Oh Sinister Prejudice…

It is interesting how innocently or easily prejudice can have a hold on you and the way you see the world. I’ve only just this morning realized that due to Lady and the Tramp I’ve had a dislike of siamese cats for most of my life.

Are they really as sneaky and sinister as I’ve always thought?!

Quite possibly not!

The reality is that I’ve been caught

–not caught smoking pot

(of which I do not


But caught up

like throw up

in this messed up


Thanks Disney, I blame you.


A Blog About Narwals

(that’s right, this is a blog about Narwhal whales. Why? I’m not quite sure. Is there a point to it? No. Is there any great meaning to this blog post? No. Is it funny? As it turns out…not so much. Is this a departure from my usual blogs of amazing depth and valuable content? Most would say no. So without further adieu…Narwhal…)

Narwhal whales are spectacular. They shouldn’t be real…I’m actually not sure that they are. I mean, lets be honest, they’re the unicorn’s of the sea…and we all know that unicorns aren’t real. But Narwhal’s are real. They’re real and they’re awesome. Awesomely real.

A friend recently started using the term ‘unicorn’ to refer to things that aren’t actually ever seen in real life. Think: a husband who does dishes, a cat that’s enjoyable to be around, a successful small business in Vancouver, you get the idea. But Narwhal’s aren’t unicorns, they’re not husbands who willingly watch their own kids. They’re actually whales with a bucktooth. Yes, that’s right, the Narwhal’s spectacular unicorn-like spike is actually a giant tooth protruding from its mouth. The Narwhal is actually more like a beaver than a majestic unicorn. Disappointed? Don’t be. Beavers are awesome too. They make homes in water out of sticks, they eat trees, and they gave Mel Gibson a chance to re-make himself.

The moral of the story? Simple: some things appear to be awesome and others appear to be mythical…some even appear to be both. Chances are, they’re not. Chances are it’s just a beaver with a blowhole. So when you try to be awesome by showing off your magnificent ‘tusk’ remember that you might be more of a beaver than a unicorn…and that’s not bad.

**I’d like to clarify three important things. One, I chose to capitalize “Narwhal” as gesture of honor to the most awesomestly real animal I’ve never seen. Two, I’m not quite sure why I wrote this blog nor what it means. Three, I think the reason I wrote this blog is because Narwhal’s are rocking my world right now.