Picking Pattypans and Finding Peace

Woke up this morning, brought the chickens all the scraps from yesterday, watered the garden, picked a couple of cucumbers, a pattypan squash, and a crookneck squash, our friend dropped off her daughter who will walk to school with us while her mom is cast for Portlandia…and now its time to fix some breakfast.

This has not been a typical morning over the last four months. I like these types of mornings better.

We don’t consider ourselves urban homesteaders or anything exciting like that (though this was a dream at one point for me). I’d love to have a bee hive…but we don’t. I used to have worms…but now we don’t. Our rain barrel isn’t collecting rain. We don’t use grey water for anything (wouldn’t even know where to start). But there’s something redemptive about the simplicity of walking neighbors kids to school and routine house chores in the morning. It might just be me, my personality, or the journey I’ve been on but it feels right.

We’ve got to be in pursuit of rhythms to our life that do not breed busyness and chaos but cultivate peace and connectedness. Have you found your rhythms? Are we willing to give up things that feel comfortable in place of things that might produce more simplicity in our lives thus opening us up to greater blessing?

I’ll let you know how I do…but today was good.

One thought on “Picking Pattypans and Finding Peace

  1. The rhythm of spiritual life God built into his plan and his people resonates with me. Feast days come around every year–from the Jewish traditions of confessing, accepting, remembering–to our somewhat tainted days of doing the same. From weekly fellowship and communion to daily prayer to yearly do-overs, to practically everything about gardening, God knows we need the repetition. I have a book on sacred rhythms which I hope will eventually find its way home to me. If it does, I can pass it on to you.

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