Haiti and the church

I don’t have much to say about this but I feel very burdened by what has happened in Haiti recently. Not only am I in prayer and burdened for the Haitians and the destruction there, but I am burdened for the church. I know that seems out of place, but I hope and pray that the church (and I define “church” as groups of people who are following Christ) responds not only in prayer but as the hands and feet of Jesus in our world. I hope that Christians live up to their identity as people who live out of an alternate reality that gives them a glimpse into things unseen and therefore compels them to partner with anyone and everyone in bringing hope and restoration to the broken world.

4 thoughts on “Haiti and the church

  1. Every step of life learning process in continue. Students mostly time spend with parents and friends then the mind is fresh. A student continue the study then brain level not work properly and start the headache.

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